Exterior Window Cleaning Is Expected Beginning Tuesday October 16th And Thereafter As Necessary Weather Permitting
Seasonal Window Washing has been scheduled and confirmed by our vendor Corporate Cleaning, weather permitting, beginning Wednesday October 16th. Right now it is impossible to say if weather will be cooperative. This time of year in Chicago can be turbulent and unpredictable. Storms or high winds would result in a delay, as safety of the window washers is paramount with such efforts.
We do ask the vendor to start on the ’01 tier corner, and work around the exterior counterclockwise, progressing tier by tier, 2, 3, 4, etc. However, weather conditions could dictate they switch to another tier. So, the best indication that they are working on your tier is seeing their ropes drop outside your windows.
If the weather cooperates, this work can be completed within 5 business days. If the weather is chronically uncooperative, they will work on Saturday and Sunday as a last resort.
Don’t hesitate to contact us with any problems or concerns, by e-mail at parktowercondo-mgmt@habitat.com or phone 773-769-3250. For example, if they miss a spot or a window, let us know. We have 7 days to report any such problems. The vendor sends a rep to inspect the area within the unit in question and then they will address it. That has to occur within a reasonable amount of time following the cleaning.
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