Having for the most part very cooperative weather during their working hours, they were able to finish relatively quickly.
If you have any problems with the condition of your windows, we have a limited window of time for which to report and allow them to investigate. Please contact the office at 773-769-3250, or send us an e-mail at parktowercondo@fsresidential.com, as soon as possible and we will have them visit to check out the conditions. Typically, anything past 7 days will not be addressed, so it is important you report anything to us right away.
In perfect conditions they could be finished by the end of the following week, July 5th. However, that pace rarely happens as weather tends to get in the way. Should there be a delay we will update this post. Should they get underway and be delayed by weather, when they return to the job they generally pick up where they left off. With significant delays, they may also schedule to work on Saturdays.
We ask the window washers to begin with the ’01, ’02 and ’04 tiers, at the southeast corner of PT, and work their way around the building counterclockwise, so it is easier to set your expectations. If so they would be ending at the ‘o3 tier, the Southwest facing exposure of the building. However, conditions on the ground and in the air (such as wind speed and direction) may force them to work a particular exposure rather than another.
So on and after June 26th, when you see the ropes being dropped outside your unit, expect that weather permitting they will be making it down to clean your windows.
After they complete your tier, please report any problems as immediately as possible. Pursuant to our agreement with Corporate Cleaning, we only have 7 days to report and address any problems or deficiencies.