Events Calendar
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30 | 31 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
Committee Focus
by Bob Shamo
After June’s election, our Board will start considering the year ahead. Its decisions will address distinct needs and reflect suggested improvements, some brought forward by board members themselves, many by management – and an important few as recommendations from our committees.
Here’s one consequential decision, recently enacted, that came directly from a committee recommendation: the new rule governing leases (who may lease out a unit and under what conditions). It targets 30% as the maximum number of rental units in the building and adds requirements to insure that landlords are familiar with our association’s operations. The rule was first developed by the Ad-hoc Rental Policy Committee, then fine-tuned in meetings with the Board and management. By virtue of its being “ad-hoc,” that committee has now dissolved. Mission accomplished.
Another of this type will be the Ad-hoc Commission to Review the Declaration and Bylaws. Approved by the Board just recently, unit owners may now express an interest in serving on the commission during the coming year. As with all commissions (aka committees), appointments are by vote of the Board.
The Budget & Finance Committee is a standing committee (ongoing from one year to the next) that monitors monthly income and expenditures and works with management to prepare the following year’s budget. A recent story in TowerTalk described the exhaustive process that produced the 2015-16 budget. By charter, only owners may belong, but most meetings are open to any owner who would like to sit in to observe the process.
The Health Club Committee monitors operations of its facility and makes suggestions for improvement. It has no day-in, day-out responsibility for operations. Resident and non-resident owners may belong so long as they are also members of the Health Club. And what a year the next one should be! The committee will be finalizing its recommendations for expanding and modernizing the Health Club, which is the subject of a related story in this issue of TowerTalk.
The Rules & Regulations Committee considers violations of our declarations and bylaws, rules and regulations, and other legal issues as reported to them by management. It recommends appropriate “enforcement actions” (penalties) to the Board, which then makes the final determinations. Membership is limited to five (owners), the only non-members allowed to attend being Board and management.
The Home Improvement Committee has been busy these past few years. First there was the lobby rehab, with its new doorman station, furniture, planters, and CTA monitor. Then, for the plaza project now being completed, the committee investigated every option including the stone aggregates for the terrazzo, various styles of railings for steps and sidewalks, and lighting options for steps and walkways. As with all committees, the actual purchase of materials is a management responsibility as, in this case, was the day-in, day-out supervision of these projects.
The New Resident Committee hosts the single meeting owners and renters are required to attend within a month of moving in. The job of the committee is to inform new residents of building procedures and protocols. It is essentially a teaching experience for committee members, with the added need to assemble materials prior to meetings that occur once or twice a month.
The Social Committee looks to our need for community and engagement. Currently, it has one extravagant event each year, the 4th of July Celebration held on our rooftop deck. Besides its official members, a host of “regulars” join the committee to prepare, serve, and cleanup afterwards. All this culminates in the spectacular fireworks provided – just for us, we’re sure! – by our neighbor, the Saddle and Cycle Club. Look for announcements as we approach the date next month.
The News and Social Media Committee informs, educates, and encourages dialogue on matters of importance to the Association. TowerTalk and are the committee’s current projects, and upgrading the association’s Facebook page is just ahead. The fact that management attends its monthly meetings allows discussion of all building communications, including PT Weekly News & Updates and the soon-to-be inaugurated emergency messaging system.
And for all committees ..
So, think about it: What do you value about living/owning here, and what can you contribute to making it an even better condominium association?
Send inquires to our building manager at and he will forward to the appropriate committee chair.