In order to accommodate repairs to a leaking water line serving the hot water heaters, our team is planning to shut water service down to floors 30 to 55. This is scheduled for Thursday night, February 13th at 10pm into the early morning hours of Friday February 14th. Water service should be restored by Friday at 6am.
IT IS POSSIBLE, cold water service may remain available. Our plumber is hopeful he will be able to isolate the cold water line which feeds the hot water heaters. Either way, water should be back on by 6am.
We will not be draining the water lines all the way. So some units below the 55th floor may notice water is still available – in fact the line will remain a bit pressurized, but we encouraged everyone not to use their water. This will keep risers that have not yet been replaced from stirring up iron and debris and clogging lines once the water service is restored.
We appreciate everyone’s patience an understanding while this work is completed. Feel free to contact the office with any questions at 773-769-3250 or