This will result in some grinding noise and vibration, particularly towards the North and East quadrant of the building. It will likely be more pronounced in this area of the garage more than anywhere. But as we know, anytime concrete work is being done, the sound and vibration can travel a ways. We don’t expect much interruption if any to residential units, but workers in the mall area, and health club members using the pool and weight room may definitely notice the work from time to time during business hours.
This will be done during business hours, and we do think most of the noise producing work will happen the first couple days as they prep the areas being target for repairs.
In recent years and months, quite a bit of work has been done to the pool and it’s surrounding structure, which are visible. And to be fair quite a bit has been done in the mechanical room and some areas not many Owners or Residents get a chance to see, such as pumps, motors, drain lines and more.
As our staff was doing some of this work recently we identified areas of the concrete structure directly underneath the pool itself which needs to be repaired. This includes a small area where the rebar will be replaced as well.
THE POOL WILL REMAIN OPEN! Fortunately the conditions are pretty superficial and don’t impact the structure, the pool itself or use of the pool. We expect the workers will be able to get into the location and complete the work with little to know interruptions. However, as they begin chipping away some of the deteriorating concrete there will be some vibrating and noise.
We apologize in advance if anyone encounters and interruption – particularly our neighbors in the mall – and thank you for your patience and understanding while we get this work done.