Events Calendar
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IMPORTANT NOTE: The “Post Meeting Roundup” is neither official meeting minutes, nor is it intended as a replacement of actual meeting minutes for Board Meetings. The minutes of any given meeting are typically not available until after they are reviewed and approved by the Board, which usually occurs at the next scheduled meeting. Rather, the roundup is a review of the activity and business considered at the meeting as observed by management, provided as a courtesy and convenience.
Monday February 22, 2016 at 7:30PM
2nd Floor Party Room
Management and the Board addressed questions and feedback from Owners at the meeting.
The Board President George Pauley called the Board Meeting to order and confirm a quorum of members was present to conduct business. Present from the Board at the meeting was George Pauley, Board President; Betty Terry-Lundy, Secretary; Michael Parrie, Board Vice President; David Nicosia, Board Member; and Jean Shamo, Treasurer was available via speaker phone. Present from Management was Timothy Patricio, Property Manager; and Amir Cobalovic, Assistant Property Manager.
Committee Reports
Health Club Committee Chair Ken Anderson informed the audience a Health Club Meeting would be held Tuesday February 23rd at 5pm in the Party Room, and said it was informational to discuss the coming project to be formally considered by the Board.
News and Social Media Committee Chair Bob Shamo informed the audience that the Tower Talk Newsletter is about to print and should be distributed within the week.
Board Report: Board President George Pauley
Board President George Pauley expressed sadness for the passing of longtime Unit Owner and resident John Spatuzza, who was active with the Association being a former Board President, and an active member of the Rules and Regulations Committee. He also expressed sadness and congratulations for Sada K. Sada, janitor for 28 years, who announced his retirement, and formally thanked Sada on behalf of the Association for his years of service to owners and residents.
After a motion by Michael Parrie, seconded by George Pauley, the Board of Directors voted unanimously in favor of a resolution adding an agenda item for consideration of a policy about “hover boards”.
Closed Session Business
After a motion by Michael Parrie, seconded by George Pauley, the Board of Directors voted unanimously in favor of a resolution to fine 15 owners $100 for not providing adequate proof of insurance, to double each month until such time as evidence of coverage is provided.
After a motion by Michael Parrie, seconded by George Pauley, the Board of Directors voted unanimously in favor of a resolution to fine a unit owner $50 in case #mgmt. for garbage left in the service area, as well as a $40 service charge for the staff to remove the waste.
After a motion by Michael Parrie, seconded by Betty Terry-Lundy, the Board of Directors voted unanimously in favor of a resolution to fine a unit owner in case #1.23.16 $50 for excessive noise and $250 for excessive cigarette odors.
After a motion by Michael Parrie, seconded by Betty Terry-Lundy, the Board of Directors voted unanimously in favor of a resolution to fine a unit owner in case #1.39.16 $200 for the dumping of construction debris down the garbage chute.
After a motion by Michael Parrie, seconded by Dave Nicosia, the Board of Directors voted in favor of passing a resolution, three members for and two against, to fine a unit owner in case # $100 for unauthorized distribution of a commercial solicitation. Betty Terry-Lundy, Jean Shamo and Dave Nicosia voted in favor, and Michael Parrie and George Pauley voted against the resolution.
After a motion by Betty Terry-Lundy, seconded by Michael Parrie, the Board of Directors voted against a resolution, two members in favor and three against, to reduce a fine previously passed against a unit owner from $250 to $125. Betty Terry-Lundy and Michael Parrie voted in favor, and Dave Nicosia, Jean Shamo and George Pauley voted against the resolution.
Minutes – Board Meeting January 25, 2016
After a motion by Betty Terry-Lundy, seconded by George Pauley, the Board of directors voted in favor of passing a resolution to approve the proposed minutes from the Board Meeting held on Monday January 25, 2016, as submitted by Timothy Patricio, Property Manager. The motion passed four in favor; Michael Parrie abstained.
Insurance Program Renewal
After a motion by Dave Nicosia, seconded by Betty Terry-Lundy, and discussion, the Board of Directors voted unanimously in favor of a resolution to approve renewal of the Commercial Package insurance program and the Workers Compensation insurance for the 2016/2017 fiscal year as proposed by Mesirow Financial with total premiums of $207,929.
Faucets For Building Stock
After a motion by Dave Nicosia, seconded by Betty Terry-Lundy, and discussion, the Board of Directors voted unanimously in favor of a resolution to approve the MOEN Darcy Model #84551 as the bathroom faucet kept in stock for general repairs and replacements as needed and requested by Unit Owners.
Shared Cost Sidewalk Program
After a motion by Dave Nicosia, seconded by George Pauley, the Board of Directors voted unanimously in favor of a resolution to approve a preliminary budget of $10,000 to participate in the City of Chicago Shared Cost Sidewalk Program, to replace deteriorated sections of sidewalk along Sheridan Road.
High Zone Domestic Hot Water Heater Replacement
After a motion by Michael Parrie, seconded by Dave Nicosia, and discussion, the Board of Directors voted unanimously in favor of a resolution to approve a budget of $19,000 to begin engineering design specifcations for the High Zone Domestic Hot Water Heater Replacement Project.
Unit Owner Construction
After a motion by Michael Parrie, seconded by George Pauley, and discussion, Michael Parrie amended the motion, and the Board of Directors voted unanimously in favor of a resolution to approve the remodeling plans of units 410 (conditionally upon verification of proper insurance coverage), 2011, 2715, 3201, 4411, and 5001, as submitted by the unit owner, following the recommendations of the chief engineer as outlined in their written specifications and in accordance with the Rules and Regulations and remodeling guidelines of the Park Tower Condo Association.
Action Items – Old Business
TSTAT Bulk Installation Program
After a motion by Dave Nicosia, seconded by George Pauley, and discussion, the Board of Directors voted unanimously in favor of a resolution to approve the Honeywell 3-Speed Fan Coil Thermostat Model# TB6575A1000 as the device for use in the proposed Bulk Thermostat Installation Program.
Health Club Remodeling
After a motion by Dave Nicosia, seconded by George Pauley, the Board of Directors voted unanimously in favor of a resolution approving funding of $112,200 for the Health Club remodeling, as proposed in the Health Club “In-house Demo and Construction Plan”, including construction to turn racquetball court #1 into the new weight room, and turning the existing weight room into the new cardio room and including flooring installation as proposed by Total Fitness Connection.
Health Club Equipment
After a motion by Dave Nicosia, seconded by George Pauley, the Board of Directors voted unanimously in favor of a resolution approving the purchase of new health club equipment as proposed from Total Fitness Connection at a total cost of $76,067.03 and approving the 5 year plan and contract for health club equipment preventative maintenance as proposed by Total Fitness Connection at a total cost of $3850.
Hover Boards
After a motion by Michael Parrie, seconded by Jean Shamo, and discussion, that the Board of Directors consider approving a policy banning the presence of all makes and models of devices known as ‘hover boards’ from the building and units of Park Tower, and hereby assert under the authority of applicable language under the Declaration and Rules and Regulations they represent a hazard and significant fire danger to the building, households and lives of residents and owners, and that keeping, using, and/or storing hover boards is considered prohibited and any owner, resident, guest or other individual found in violation of this prohibition would be negligent should damage to property and/or injury to person or loss of life occur due directly or indirectly to the presence of a hover board in the building or a unit, Michael Parrie withdrew the motion.
After a motion by Michael Parrie, seconded by Dave Nicosia, and discussion, the Board of Directors voted unanimously in favor of a resolution directing management to distribute and post information educating owners and residents about the dangers of storing and keeping hover boards.
Treasurer’s Report – Jean Shamo
Board Treasurer Jean Shamo reviewed Operating and Reserve Account balances for December 2015.
At the end of December, the Operating Account Balance was $641,418 and the Reserve Account Balance was $1,373,876 for Total Cash and Investments of $2,015,294.
Management Report – Tim Patricio
Property Manager Tim Patricio advised the Board and audience to keep an eye on bulletin boards and the website for information and notices related to upcoming projects such as the Health Club Remodeling, Risers, and others, as well as announcements for several upcoming educational Town Hall Meetings, mostly in April including Life Safety, Pest Control, and a Green Week presentation on Recycling and Saving Water. Also, the Green Week schedule will be in the soon to be released edition of Tower Talk. He also reviewed the Monthly Activity and Sales Reports for December.
There being no further business, after a motion by Dave Nicosia, seconded by George Pauley the Board of Directors voted unanimously to adjourn the February 22, 2016 Board Meeting at 8:31pm.
OWNER FORUM – 8:31pm
Management and the Board addressed questions and feedback from Owners at the meeting.
The next meeting date is Monday March 14th at 7:30pm in the Party Room.