Our contractor reported they are up to 90% complete with Phase 1. As most folks can see, forms have been built for the bulk of the plaza area and the planter and ramp by the main entrance. Weather permitting, the bulk of the new topping slab will be poured and in place, as well as the concrete for the planter. Once that is done they expect to be able to open the plaza for traffic in about a week, and about a week or so after that they expect to begin working on the Phase 2 portion of the project.
Plaza area being framed in for the topping pour.
Once the pour is done, and even as Phase 2 gets underway, work will continue on the Phase 1 side with electrical and plumbing work, railings and masonry. Weather permitting we expect there to be at least another month of work on Phase 1 to button it up.
Please send us an e-mail with any questions. (click link)