The contractor is addressing the finish and several problems we identified with the concrete topping slab, and estimates it will take another week to complete if the weather is fully cooperative. Despite the nice weather, the wind conditions have been unfavorable for doing sand-blasting. So while it seems they have had no challenge with the weather, unfortunately that is not the case. So we are holding steady at 98% completion with Phase 1. The good news however, is that while they are not where we anticipate, they are addressing some punchlist items we already identified, which helps the process once they are at 100%.
Phase 2 is underway, in case you did not notice the jack-hammering and war-zone like appearance of the front circle drive. Demolition is well underway, and they plan to work Monday through Saturday (weather permitting). So that they can catch up before the weather makes a hard turn towards winter, they may work into the early evenings to around 6pm. So do not be surprised if you see them working later than usual.
As the contractor completes Phase 1 and fully transitions to Phase 2, you may find that one or the other revolving door will be closed from time to time over the next week. There is some finishing along the main entrance that will require them to close revolving door number 1 from time to time. Also, once the plaza area is fully open to traffic, the South lobby automatic door will be sealed off and the North lobby door will be opened. Folks with wheel chairs or who otherwise can not use the revolving doors will eventually begin being directed to that door to enter and exit.
As we begin this transition period, and finishing work of Phase 1 continues, we realize you may be confused and inconvenienced from time to time as thing are rapidly changing. We continue to appreciate your patience and understanding.