Obviously, a LOT about life came to a screeching halt, due to the Coronavirus health emergency, and State Of Illinois ‘Stay at Home” order. Much of the business we routinely coordinate, was paused or postponed, as health and safety concerns and considerations became the priority. Since that time, restoring other important services has been a primary goal. A key priority has been extermination, and working with our pest control operator, a voluntary program has been agreed to for the time being.
We will resume our pro-active program for pest prevention, Friday, April 24, 2020 starting with the 17th floor (where we left off a few weeks ago) between the hours of 10am and 2pm. As previously scheduled, the extermination team will commence with inspecting one floor per week, BUT ONLY BY REQUEST. Notices will go out in advance to the target locations, and we encourage everyone to contact us and participate.
We also welcome other requests. If you have a pest concern, or have observed a problem, contact us and we will add your Unit to our list.
For the health and safety of the exterminator and other building residents, we are respectfully requesting you (the resident) complete the following to prepare for our entry into your apartment to perform this service request.
The exterminator must wear gloves and a mask when entering your home.
If you would like the exterminator to do an inspection of your unit or if you have any questions, please contact the Management Office at 773-769-3250 or parktowercondo-mgmt@habitat.com.