Park Tower’s assessments include robust funding for pro-active monitoring and inspection services for most household pests, and perhaps most importantly roaches and bed bugs. Residents receive notices for weekly inspections floor by floor for pest control efforts throughout the year. Two floors a week for bed bugs and one for regular household pests such as roaches.
We also coordinate, schedule and follow up on any problems our team finds, or which are reported by residents. In fact, many problems are reported to us initially by residents, and that is a really important part of any successful pest control effort in a community such as Park Tower. Sadly, very recently we’ve come across problems where there were OBVIOUS conditions that the residents could see for themselves and should have been reported. More than once our team has been told recently, something like “Yeah, I saw a few. But they didn’t really bother me.” The problem ended up being there was a serious problem in a neighboring unit we could have learned of sooner, and then it ended up spreading quickly to several units on multiple floors.
Most traditional exterminating services are available to residents at no additional charge as part of an ongoing process to prevent insect problems in the building. More extensive infestations, or treatment for pests not covered by that contract, can be arranged for a fee. Only properly licensed and insured companies shall be used to conduct extermination inside the unit.
Reporting a pest problem to the Management Office is vital. If reported immediately, the chances are much higher of keeping the problem from spreading into other units. In the event it is determined that treatment of the unit for any pests, including bed bugs, is necessary, then the resident shall coordinate cleaning and/or disposal of personal property (i.e. furniture, clothing, personal belongings, etc.) with the treatment being performed in the unit, so as to protect against a re-infestation of any pests, including bed bugs.
Residents shall comply with any requests for inspection and extermination, thereby ensuring health and safety of all residents. Failure to report a problem and cooperate in the inspection or treatment of the unit for pests, including bed bugs, may result in a fine.
Pest control treatments by anyone other than a properly licensed and insured pest control operator is prohibited. For all contractors working in the building, a minimum of $1,000,000 of general liability coverage and $500,000 of workers compensation coverage is required.
Bed Bug Inspections and Treatment
As a part of the association’s effort to control and prevent the spread of bed bugs, and consistent with Section 7-28-840 of the Chicago Municipal Code, inspections shall be scheduled in units and common areas throughout the building. Inspections will typically be conducted by a trained and certified canine scent detection team, but owners can opt to have a human inspection as an alternative.
Proactive inspections will be scheduled and conducted twice per year per unit. Participation is voluntary. Unless otherwise requested in writing or being present when the inspection team knocks, “no-admit” units will not be inspected. Other unit owners and residents may opt out by notifying the office after receiving the notice or before the date of the inspection.
Upon scheduling of moves-out and moves-in, inspections shall be scheduled. Move-out inspections shall be conducted within 14 days of the scheduled move and prior to any scheduled move-in. A second canine inspection shall be conducted within 7 days after a move-in. For protection of incoming residents and to help protect unit owners and the association from liability, any necessary treatment shall be conducted before a move-in.
If physical evidence of bed bugs is found in any unit, or conditions in any neighboring unit warrant, treatment shall be scheduled within 7 days. Unit owners and residents shall cooperate with any request by the association to schedule and conduct such treatments. A licensed and insured pest control operator will be responsible for conducting treatments and determining if treatment in neighboring units, also known as “box-in” treatments, are necessary. No treatment of any kind will be allowed by unit owners/residents who are not properly licensed and insured.
The association will schedule treatment through its certified inspection team or pest control operator of record. However, the unit owner may choose a company that meets the following criteria:
Often times, proper treatment for bed bugs will include extensive in-unit preparations. Unit owners and residents shall comply with any instructions to prepare the unit. If preparations are deemed insufficient by the pest control operator, a follow up treatment may be scheduled.
Bed bug treatment will be considered successful after passing a follow up inspection. Typically this will be scheduled within 30 days following treatment. If physical evidence of bed bugs is found, retreatment will be scheduled.
Consistent with the City of Chicago Bed Bug Ordinance, Unit owners who rent and their tenants shall also have the following specific responsibilities:
Tenant Responsibilities:
Landlord Responsibilities:
Cost of Bed Bug Inspection and Treatment
The cost of bed bug inspection and treatment services conducted by association vendors is subject to change. Therefore, these services will not be listed on the Park Tower Fee Schedule. Interested unit owners/residents should inquire directly to the Management Office for the current anticipated cost of services.
The cost of all proactive and “box-in” inspections conducted by a trained canine scent detection team is included in the regular assessments. The cost of canine inspections for moves is included as a part of the registration fee paid by all new residents. The cost of scheduled treatments and all other inspections is the responsibility of the individual unit owner, except as noted below. Where “box-in” treatments are deemed necessary by the pest management company, the association is responsible for treatment. Should the unit owner/resident opt for human inspections as an alternative to the canine team, the unit owner is responsible for any difference in cost.
Park Tower Condominium Association will pay for up to one bed bug treatment per unit per year under the following set of circumstances:
The association will not pay for services provided by another vendor. The cost of any missed appointments for inspections or treatments will be the responsibility of the unit owner. This includes units not fully prepared in advance, or for inspectors and exterminators turned away at the door. If the vendor shows up, the association will still be charged, and any expense shall be passed on to the individual owner.
This policy may change by resolution of the board if there are necessary procedural changes or financial conditions that warrant consideration.