At least one Park Tower resident has listed the following specific activities, arranged here in the appropriate general interest category. Those in italics have were added in January.
Board & Card Games
Bingo .. Backgammon .. Canasta .. Dominoes .. Gin Rummy .. Hearts .. Mah Jong .. Poker .. Scrabble .. Spaces .. Rimmikub .. Spite & Malice
Community Concerns
Current events .. Inter-generational women’s support .. Gardening in the park .. Midterm elections viewing .. Park Tower renters group .. Redline – Berwyn & Bryn Mawr rebuilds .. Positive spirituality & prayers for peace .. Dogs .. University alumni .. Mensa Members
Arts Appreciation
In-house listening to music recordings or performance or streaming sites such as Digital Concert Hall and .. Preview films being considered for Movie Nights .. Offsite attendance concert, lecture, film, etc. ..
Physical Fitness
Ballroom dancing .. Belly dancing .. Biking Chicago trails .. Running .. Tai chi Regular Walking .. Water aerobics .. Yoga .. Chair Yoga
Medical Support
Alzheimer’s & dementia .. Arthritis .. Cancer & chronic disease .. End of life planning .. Physician assisted dying .. Low & impaired vision .. Parkinson’s disease .. Understanding & organizing medical bills .. DNA analysis .. Support dogs
Written Word
Book Club .. Writing for TowerTalk .. Genealogy .. Amateur Writing
Computer/Digital Assistance
One-time instructional .. Offer to assist with PC’s and Tivo .. Linux .. Audio streaming trends .. Improving FM reception
The Social Committee has launched the new initiative, People to People, in order to help people in the PTCA community find others who share common interests or who need a one-time consult. The launch, on October 9, was very successful with 18 attendees and enthusiastic discussion.
If you’re interested, pick up one of the P2P interest cards at the front desk, fill it out and drop it in the slot in the front desk.
Forward your ideas and questions to Sheldon Atovsky at
A People-to-People encounter would be a small gathering of residents with a common interest, examples being ..
• The desire to share a pastime (poker, crocheting, reading, walking, music)
• A health issue of concern (macular degeneration, arthritis, hearing aids)
• The need for occasional assistance (computer software and TiVo programming come to mind)
• A one-time consult (Owner advice based on a unit rehab experience)
What the Social Committee is offering here is assistance in identifying such interests, exchanging contact information, and setting up appropriate venues — whatever is helpful in bringing people together. Appealing? A terrific first step would be to let the committee know of your particular interest/s. What small group topic or discussion subject would tempt you to participate? Name the activity in an email addressed to committee chair, Sheldon Atovsky (, and be assured, you will receive an acknowledgment.
Or, just plan to attend People-to-People on Tuesday, 6:30 to 7:30 pm, on Tuesday, October 9. We will gather in the party room, and this will be more of a meeting than an event in itself. Whatever small groups may materialize are intended to be self-perpetuating. By scheduling the initial meeting, the Social Committee is undertaking to see if the People-to-People concept might be of value and doable here at Park Tower.