In this issue (click image to read) ..
Association Looking Into New Cable Company (ICS contract expiring, five companies under consideration, including one that offers two-way fiber optics) .. January 28 Board Meeting Recap .. Decorating Committee (to consider 2nd floor corridor carpet wallpaper, trim and walkway flooring) .. Garage Committee (to consider an in-house car wash service, pricing provided by Standard Parking) .. Health Club Committee (13 residents attending) .. Budget & Finance Committee .. Committee Opportunities (for conscientious, talented residents) .. Senior Citizen Sewer Rebate .. Neighborhood News (inc beautification of park area to east of our building) .. Engineer’s Corner (improve bath and kitchen ventilation) .. Fitness Focus (by Romeo Agape) .. Investor Owners and Renters Alert (re the need for owners, not renters, to request work orders) .. Employee of the Month (Ernest Lowery, doorman)