Key Fob Access Is Now In Place For The Package Room
Please let our team know if you experience any difficulties with your fob or entry to the room. If you need any assistance with access or a package after hours, please do not hesitate to ask the staff or security.
Sadly, for a number of reasons resulting from our experiences with LUXER over the past month – and particularly the last few weeks – it has become apparent LUXER will not be an effective solution. While many owners and residents have been set up successfully with an account, many are not.
As we approached the commencement date and launch on February 4th, despite assurances the system was ready to roll, it was not for many residents. We gave LUXER an additional week to try to iron out kinks, but in some cases their efforts have only led to more confusion and very honestly, there is no reasonable end in sight. Some of the problems we’ve identified seem systemic and potentially could be very time consuming to manage – not just now, but in the future.
Fortunately, we had a back up plan which is now in place. As discussed in prior meetings, if it became clear the LUXER system would not be effective, we would simply install a key fob reader and that will be done in the coming week. This means anyone with a fob can enter the room, but we will have a record of everyone who does, and abundant surveillance if it is necessary.
We appreciate everyone’s patience as we worked to set up the package room, and hope you find the floorplan and layout efficient and helpful. We are hopeful in that regard, thanks to the positive feedback we’ve gotten so far. It is unfortunate the LUXER notification system appears to be unreliable, and we apologize to those of you who took the time to register and set up your account – and ESPECIALLY to those of you who had to suffer through any of the very problems and confusion I am referring to. For those of you who were looking forward to the notification service, we will be busy trying to identify a viable and more reliable alternative.
For now, contact the office with any questions at 773-769-3250, or send us an e-mail. To contact our team via e-mail, or to join our e-mail list to get announcements like this electronically, just send a request to