As we approach the 2025/2026 Fiscal Year beginning March 1st, with a new budget, it is a good time to consider how individual owners can help save – even if its just a little bit.
Right now, as opposed to using paper, envelopes, postage and staff time making copies and stuffing envelopes, 225 Owners are subscribed to our electronic deliver service!
That still means about 514 Owners are getting paper notices and documents when we are required to send them by mail. For the Annual Meeting alone each year this can be 10,000-20,000 pieces of paper and 1028 envelopes and about $2000 assuming only the regular two mailings are made. This typically takes a few days to print assemble, organize and distribute. The budget mailing each year is about 3000 pieces of paper and $750 in postage.
For the 225 Owners who’ve given consent for e-delivery, they save thousands of pieces of paper and dollars over time, and get these notices immediately. It takes just seconds over the complimentary internet service provided to the Association’s office by ASTOUND. No paper, no assembling, no organizing, no postage! Sending notices electronically instead of mailing them can save several thousand dollars each mailing. Not only from the cost of paper, copying and postage, but the time and other resources involved with our staff compiling and coordinating such mailings.
Interested In Signing Up Now?
Consistent with the Illinois Condo Act, the Association’s Rules & Regulations allow for electronic delivery of notices. For The Needed Consent Form, Click Here.
In the first section, you will find language designating that regular notices and documents may be sent to you electronically. That would be notices such as the the annual meeting mailings. Second, you will find language giving your specific consent to conduct business electronically. For example, allowing us to accept your annual meeting and election votes via electronic deliver.
Please review and complete the form, and submit it to the office to participate. All Owners of record for your unit must print and sign their name, or it will not be valid.
Ironically, we cannot accept these forms electronically. We need to have your original signature on file! So please return the form to the office, either in person or by US Mail to: Park Tower Condo Association, Attn: Management Office, 5415 North Sheridan Rd., Suite 107, Chicago, IL 60640.
Share any questions or concerns with us by e-mail anytime at
There is always room to do more, and we will. We found the following post online about paper use and it’s impact on the environment. While it has become somewhat of a cliche to talk about “saving trees”, this really puts the issue into perspective:
(Credit for the cover photo goes to Visit their site to learn more about this, and ways that you can help reduce your carbon footprint.)