Events Calendar
S | M | T | W | T | F | S |
29 | 30 | 31 | 1 | 2 | 4 | |
5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | |
12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 |
19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 |
26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | 31 | 1 |
What We Know Right Now
1. We don’t know a whole lot, and what we do know, changes a lot!
a. When will it end? Vaccine? Treatments?
b. When will restrictions change or roll back?
c. Will PTCA policy change?
2. Face Coverings Mandatory
a. 100% Of The Time by 100% Of Individuals, in 100% of the common areas.
b. What about the 6’ rule? Only outdoors.
c. #1 Complaint right now, by a massive landslide.
d. Delivery people count! Instacart, Tedinos, Wing-hoe.
3. Elevator Capacity
a. HARD LIMIT OF 4 Persons, and yes this goes for little ones as well. A body is a body regardless of its size, age or other characteristics.
b. Why not 2? 4 was decided upon as the new limit with Phase 4 reopening. It will go back to 2 if the City rolls back to Phase 3…
c. …OR if the Board decides otherwise.
4. Guest Limit
a. Municipal order for residential guests to 5 non-occupants.
b. Friends, family, contractors, delivery persons.
c. Police to enforce limit, though the Association could consider pursuing disturbances if over-occupancy is confirmed.
5. Health Club
a. In general, our opinion is the opening went very well, and most members are following restrictions.
b. Capacity limits for each space, face coverings and social distancing required.
c. Most likely thing to change, should there be changes locally. If the City or State rolls back to Phase 3, the Health Club will close. If we move forward to Phase 5, we will recommend capacity limit increases.
d. No sauna or jacuzzi at this time, due to professional guidance and focus on capacity for the pool.
6. What’s to come?
a. Continued focus on cleaning, sanitizing, essential work.
b. Looking at budget for possible improvements in cleaning supplies and air filters.
c. Bigger projects will be carefully considered for traffic and penetration into the tower.
d. Experimenting with sanitizer stations. These are only available so long as we can maintain stock – Please don’t take them for granted.
A handful of questions were considered, including whether the elevators capacity could be managed by a certain weight limit. We are researching that. Also, the “MERV” rating on our main air handling filters, and that number is 8. And we are researching whether combined units would count as 1 or 2 units (or whatever number of units are combined), as it relates to the guest limit. For now, a legally combined unit is legally 1 unit. Those not legally combined we assume would be treated however the floor plan would dictate. We are awaiting a legal opinion about that.
At anytime you have a question, let us know at
This includes a discussion about the current policies, put in place at the August 10th Board Meeting, We will discuss what the expectations are moving forward and answer questions.
We also just want to check in with everyone, try to help guide or coordinate any assistance we are able to, explain the evolving policies in the common areas and Health Club, and answer questions. All owners and residents are welcome and encouraged to participate online. This is happening in tandem with a scheduled Board Meeting, and regular PTCA business may be conducted at some point.
WE WILL ALSO WELCOME any general discussion of Association or Neighborhood issues. We realize some residents were unable to join the online Resident Forum on Thursday July 30th due to some of the posts missing a digit for the ZOOM Meeting ID. So, we will be happy to respond to non-COVID questions and feedback as well.
INSTRUCTIONS – There are three easy ways to join a ZOOM Meeting:
AS EVERYONE JOINS, you will be put into a waiting room. The waiting room is setup to help eliminate the possibility for inappropriate conduct or posts as we conduct the meeting.