And actually, the heavy rains last week helped uncover more unknown problem conditions. Specifically, areas of the railing above, next to the Pool deck, were in need of attention. Several locations where the iron posts penetrate the stone, were allowing water into the wall. This became apparent as water leaked down through the repair locations the contractor had opened up.
Also, the contractor discovered what we believe was potentially a minor design flaw – most likely from original construction. The curbing where brick rested was insufficient for the weight of the brick, which was contributing to the poor conditions and leaking into the bike room.
These conditions required some additional repairs and will result in some expense above what was originally anticipated, but both were important problems to address.
Above, the primary work location being prepped, and the flashing detail installed and being readied for brick-laying.
Above, materials being staged for installation.
The contractor completing the repairs expects the project to take up to 3 weeks, weather permitting. The first week will be the noisiest and dustiest, as the lower courses of brick are being removed, to expose the joint and flashing between the wall and the sidewalk where the primary repair work is needed.
Much like repairs that have been done in other locations around the building, such as the exterior wall along Suite 108 completed late last fall, repairs will begin to the wall along the outside of the bike room. The very bottom courses of brick will be removed, the joint between the sidewalk and masonry will be repaired, and new brick will be installed.
For some time, our team has been dealing with a variety of leaks inside the bike room. These repairs are necessary to address some seepage and leaking we’ve experienced, particularly in very heavy rain. Similar repairs have been completed in recent history along the front of the building facing Sheridan Road. Seepage at these locations caused deterioration along the base of the walls, and in some cases leaking into the mall, lobby and garage. Since those repairs were completed, the deterioration and leaking has stopped.
The Board approved this work at the April 8th Board meeting, and the contractor completing the project expects – weather permitting – they can finish the job within 2 to 3 weeks.