Our team is keeping a close watch on building temperatures and prioritizing heat. During the days ahead, we expect very challenging conditions with bright sunshine. On some days and mornings, it may get warm in some sun facing units, before we are able to complete a transition to AC. We will do our best, but we do have to prioritize heat, as residential buildings are mandated by city code to maintain minimum temperatures indoors after September 15th.
Don’t hesitate to contact us anytime you are uncomfortable. We will report this to the team, and if it is possible, adjustments can be made.
Given the time of year, heating will be our priority, consistent with requirements of relevant Chicago building codes. We will typically default to heating service and only switch to cooling if conditions are expected to result in discomfort. This will be the case through winter and spring, until June 1st. As it stands with the present weather outlook, we will be on the edge of conditions calling for heat, though it may go off on warmer days. Typically we expect the need for heating when outdoor temps are in the mid to low 50s or colder. AC will remain available but only come on when the sun is out at around 60 degrees or higher.
This range of outdoor temps is typically where we see the need to make adjustments for comfort. We have sensors throughout the interior and exterior of the building, including the hallways which usually give us a pretty good idea of temps in PT homes. Our staff will monitor those very closely should we need to switch manually or make adjustments. Also, feedback from residents can help trigger manual adjustments which can improve comfort.
UNFORTUNATELY – GOING FROM HEATING TO COOLING AND BACK CAN TAKE SEVERAL HOURS!! When the weather changes quickly, switchovers can be challenging. We can’t just flip a switch – the water temperature in the pipes must have time to moderate before it can be run through the boilers or chillers. It can take as long as 6 to 8 hours to go from heating to cooling. So on those days when it is 40 degrees in the morning, but it gets into the 70s in the afternoon, it may take quite a while for cooling to be available (if at all). Also, we realize full sun during the day turns half of the building into a green house. We have no control over that so we appreciate your patience in such conditions.
While it will not be 100% comfortable for 100% of our residents, 100% of the time, resident comments and observations can help us make adjustments and improve conditions as much as possible. Contact us at parktowercondo-mgmt@habitat.com, or call the office 773-769-3250.