Their are several phases of work to be completed in each unit, scheduled as follows:
Monday, July 15th – Thursday, July 25th:
Astound will place PVC protection for the entire 15th tier from the top down (floors 55-3).
Within each unit they will begin with installation of PVC carpet and floor protection, and creating a Wall Opening at the work location. This opening will be about 2 ft. x 5 ft. in the existing drywall on the living room side of the shared wall with the bedroom, highlighted here:
They will finish up by vacuuming the work location.
This phase is scheduled as follows:
July 15 units from 55th to 50th floor
July 16 units from 49th to 44th floor
July 17 units from 43rd to 38th floor
July 18 units from 37th to 32nd floor
July 19 units from 31st to 26th floor
July 22 units from 25th to 20th floor
July 23 units from 19th to 14th floor
July 24 units from 12th to 7th floor
July 25 units from 6th to 3rd floor
Astound will begin Coring on Thursday, June 18th. They will be creating an opening in each concrete floor to bring the Fiber Backbone down to each of the work locations. This phase is scheduled as follows:
July 18 units from 55th to 46th floor
July 19 units from 45th to 36th floor
July 22 units from 35th to 26th floor
July 23 units from 25th to 16th floor
July 24 units from 15th to 7th floor
July 25 units from 6th to 3rd floor
Friday, July 26h – Monday, August 5th
Installation of Backbone Fiber, Points of Entry and Wall Patching
ASTOUND will need access TO ALL FLOORS AND 15 UNITS from 55 to 3, to run and secure the Main Fiber Backbone, over the course of the following days: Friday, July 26th, Monday, July 29th and Tuesday, July 30th.
Following that they will install the Fiber Rewire points of entry in each unit. This phase is scheduled as follows:
July 26 units from 55th to 49th floor
July 29 units from 48th to 37th floor
July 30 units from 36th to 25th floor
July 31 units from 24th to 12th floor
August 1 units from 11th to 3rd floor
Following that, they will patch the drywall opening. This phase is scheduled as follows:
August 2 units from 55th to 50th floor
August 5 units from 49th to 44th floor
August 6 units from 43rd to 38th floor
August 7 units from 37th to 32nd floor
August 8 units from 31st to 26th floor
August 9 units from 25th to 20th floor
August 12 units from 19th to 14th floor
August 13 units from 12th to 7th floor
August 14 units from 6th to 3rd floor
Following that, sanding and removing the PVC floor protection. This phase is scheduled as follows:
August 6 units from 55th to 50th floor
August 7 units from 49th to 44th floor
August 8 units from 43rd to 38th floor
August 9 units from 37th to 32nd floor
August 12 units from 31st to 26th floor
August 13 units from 25th to 20th floor
August 14 units from 19th to 14th floor
August 15 units from 12th to 7th floor
August 16 units from 6th to 3rd floor
ASTOUND also provided a “Frequently Asked Questions” handout, for Owners and Residents to review:
Of course, feel free to share any questions about the schedule or installation process anytime at
AND, you can learn more about the history of this project AND get a leg up on the next phase to follow the fiber line install, which is the equipment installation. This process is currently underway for the ’01 and ’03 units, and you can follow that post for more at: