While we do anticipate further discussion at the Board Meeting on Monday June 14th, particularly for the Health Club, we are pleased to announce some immediate changes:
PLEASE BE ADVISED as of Friday June 11th – Due to the status of the COVID-19 pandemic, and the move to Phase 5 of the State and City’s reopening plans, the following changes in policy will take place:
1. Face Coverings will only be required if an individual has not been fully vaccinated, or if you so choose to continue wearing a face covering. This is most critical in confined spaces such as elevators and hallways, and any location where social distancing is not possible or practical.
2. Elevator Capacity shall return to normal with no further limitation besides those posted by the manufacturer. That being said, individuals who have not yet been vaccinated, we do respectfully request you continue wearing your face covering.
3. Guest Limits within units shall be lifted. For anyone hosting events, please be courteous of your neighbors and mindful that Owners and Residents are responsible for the behavior of all guests. While COVID-19 is a lessening concern, disturbances and excessive noise should be avoided.
4. Party Room restrictions shall be lifted. The Party Room will again be available for rental for events consistent with the policies and procedures in the PTCA Rules and Regulations handbook.
Feel free to contact the office with any questions at parktowercondo-mgmt@habitat.com, or 773-769-3250.
Please don’t forget what we’ve learned through all this! Despite these changes and a return to more normal living…if you are ill, STAY HOME. If for some reason you can’t, remember THE 3 W’s:
WEAR a face covering, WASH your hands regularly and WATCH your distance!