Events Calendar
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by Bob Shamo
The Committee Focus column, new in this issue, will update essentials and call attention to likely committee agendas for the near future.
Committees (formally known as “Commissions”) are appointed by the board, and make recommendations to the board, on matters of importance to the association. Owners –and in some cases, renters – first volunteer and are then recommended for membership by committee chairs.
Charters governing the work of committees are reviewed each Fall and may be viewed under the Library tab at Inquiries emailed to will be forwarded to the appropriate committee chair.
Budget & Finance Committee ..
Monitors monthly income and expenditures, and works with management to prepare the following year’s budget.
Paul Groeninger, chair
Jean Shamo, board liaison
Only owners may be members. All owners are welcome to sit in except at meetings at which personnel, wages, and legal issues are discussed.
Next meeting (open to non-member owners) Sept 23, 2015, Party Room, 4:30 to 6:00 pm
At the next meeting we will review the latest financial statements; receive the 2016/17 proposed budget from management; and set the next eight or so meetings to discuss the proposed budget and possible revisions.
Owners are encouraged to attend the open meetings, where they will gain insight as to how the committee arrives at the assessment levels needed to cover expenses and build our reserves. Open meetings, such as the one in September, begin with the chair addressing questions from visitors.
Note, however, that questions from visitors are not allowed during budget review meetings, in order that the association may meet its legal deadlines leading up to the March 1 start of our next fiscal year.
Rules & Regulations Committee ..
Considers violations of the association’s declarations, bylaws, rules & regulations, and recommends appropriate penalties to the board, which then makes the final determinations.
Chuck O’Bringer, chair
Michael Parrie, board liaison
Only owners may be members of this five-member committee. Due to the
sensitive nature of its work, meetings are not announced publically nor
are visitors allowed to sit in.
The Ad-hoc Rules & Regulations Committee, an extension of the regular R&R Committee, meets whenever new rules/regulations are proposed by management or the board. The next such meeting will be announced, and both owners and renters will be welcome to attend.
News & Social Media Committee ..
Informs, educates, and encourages dialogue on matters of importance to the association.
Bob Shamo, chair
David Nicosia, board liaison
Members may be either owners or renters, and visitors are welcome to
publically announced meetings. Next meeting, Mon, Sep 28, 4:00 to
6:00 pm, management office.
The committee welcomes residents interested in working on its current platforms: TowerTalk,, and Writers are highly-prized, whether as committee members or volunteer “free-lancers.”
New Resident Committee ..
Hosts the single meeting new owners and renters are required to attend, within a month of moving in, the purpose of which is to inform them of association procedures and protocols.
Harriett Dominique, chair
George Pauley, board liaison
Only owners may be members, but either owners or renters may sit in.
Meetings are the second Thursday of the month, next one being Sept 10,
2015, Party Room, 7:00 to 8:00 pm.
A set of guidelines is distributed at our meetings, the most pertinent of which are then discussed. Questions and concerns are most welcome, of course.
Health Club ..
Monitors operations at the facility and suggests improvements to the
board. (No operational responsibilities)
Ken Anderson, chair
George Pauley, board liaison
Only Health Club members may be members, but any owner or renter
may sit in publically announced meetings.
Next meeting not yet scheduled.
Renovations to the Health Club facilities — providing more space and a better environment — will begin after March 1, 2016. One racquetball court will be repurposed, with new weight room equipment installed in this space. Cardio equipment, most of it new, will then occupy the space now housing weight equipment.
The new equipment will be delivered and installed after renovations are completed. Additional details will be provided at a later date closer to the start of the project.
Social Committee ..
Plans and produces association-sponsored community events, currently the only one being the July 4 Celebration.
Don Yuratovac, chair
George Pauley, board liaison
Both owners and renters may be members and sit in publically announced meetings.
Next meeting not yet scheduled, and nothing new to report at this time.
Home Improvement Committee ..
Recommends and monitors the progress of improvements to the association’s public spaces.
Scott Schmidtke, chair
Betty Terry-Lundy, board liaison
Only owners may be members, but other owners may sit in publically
announced meetings.
Next meeting not yet scheduled, and nothing further to report at this time.
Ad-hoc Declarations Review Committee
Will study the association’s declarations and bylaws and recommend changes and additions.
Chair to be selected by members.
George Pauley, board liaison
First meeting to be announced, and nothing to report at this time.