Meeting Location 2nd Floor Party Room Call to Order 7:39pm Members Present Michael Parrie, Monique Fouant, Lloyd Allison, Sheldon Atovsky, Angie Eden Management Shruti Kumar, Property Supervisor; Timothy Patricio, General Manager; Danny Bravman, Community Manager Open Session Board President Michael Parrie called the meeting to order and confirmed a quorum of Board Members were present. […]
Meeting Location 2nd Floor Party Room Call to Order 9:11am Members Present Michael Parrie, Sheldon Atovsky, Monique Fouant, Lloyd Allison, Angie Eden Management Shruti Kumar, Property Supervisor (via conference call); Timothy Patricio, General Manager Open Session Board President Michael Parrie called the meeting to order and opened the meeting explaining this would be the second […]
Meeting Location 2nd Floor Party Room Call to Order 9:00am Members Present Michael Parrie, Sheldon Atovsky, Monique Fouant, Lloyd Allison, Angie Eden Management Shruti Kumar, Property Supervisor (via conference call); Timothy Patricio, General Manager Open Session Board President Michael Parrie called the meeting to order and opened the meeting explaining this would be the first […]
Meeting Location 2nd Floor Party Room Call to Order 8:00pm Members Present Michael Parrie, Monique Fouant, Lloyd Allison, Sheldon Atovsky, Angie Eden Management Shruti Kumar, Property Supervisor; Timothy Patricio, General Manager; Danny Bravman, Community Manager Presentation Of 2022/2023 Audit By Ralph Picker Of Picker & Associates Prior to Open Session being formally called to order, […]
Park Tower was built in 1973, and in 2023 the Social Commission led our residents in celebrating its 50th birthday. The opening event was a reception Friday evening, September 8 in the Low-rise Lobby. Social Committee chair Sheldon Atovsky and Board President Michael Parrie made opening remarks (read Sheldon’s here and Michael’s here) and unveiled […]
As a feature or our 50th Anniversary Celebration, the Social Committee invited about a dozen Park Tower residents to join in conversation with committee members Bob Shamo and Monique Fouant, to talk about their memories and reflections. What inspired these residents to move here in the first place? What has changed since? What do they […]