by Bob Shamo – The Association’s total water usage -– building infrastructure plus residential units — is paid for by assessments. Last year, water cost Park Tower owners about $327,700, or between $250 and $785 of each unit’s assessment, depending on size and location in the building. City water has gone up 15% each of […]
by Taylor McCleneghan – Our Edgewater and Andersonville neighborhoods are brimming with independent businesses and community spaces. In this story, I want to spotlight several in particular that have really caught my eye. Martha Mae: Art Supplies and Beautiful Things opened this past October at 5407 N. Clark, just north of Balmoral. Owner Jean Marie […]
by Sheldon Atovsky – Here’s the scene. We’re in the Party Room waiting for the board meeting to start. We’ve got our agendas and our questions ready for the open forums that begin and end each meeting. Board members walk in, sit down .. and seem already to know chapter and verse about every single […]
by Tim Patricio – This year’s budget includes $2,000,000 for Replacement Reserve projects. As buildings such as Park Tower age, there will be years like this with more maintenance and repairs on tap than usual. Some projects will be highly visible to owners and residents. Others, not so much. But all the work requires planning […]
Sheli Lulkin – Activist Sorely Missed by David Nicosia – It is with sadness that we note the passing of Sheli Lulkin this past December. Sheli was a staunch and long-standing activist for the Sheridan Road community. She served for 32 years as president of the Association of Sheridan Condo/Co-op Owners (ASCO), a watchdog organization […]
Timi, a Top Girl Scout A ShoutOut! to ten-year-old Timi Ismaila, who has been part of the Park Tower community since birth. This past year, Timi sold more than 500 boxes of Girl Scout Cookies. For this accomplishment, she and Grandmother Ida – along with other top sellers – were rewarded with a cruise party […]