The new garbage chute is now in place from 19 to 55th floors. As of this evening (Wed. January 21st) from the 41st floor down, the trash chute should be accessible. Workers are steadily completing the reconstruction. As the masonry and drywall is installed, the staff is removing the bins and unlocking the chute. Once the bins […]
Earlier today (Monday January 19th) a service area smoke detector on the 35th floor triggered the Elevator Recall system, bringing all the elevators down to the lobby level. Upon investigating, we could not determine the presence of smoke or any other cause for the recall to be activated. Subsequently the elevators were released. We are having […]
In the past, the Association studied and developed specs for double pane windows which several Unit Owners have taken advantage, and installed in their units. Signa System Inc., of Chicago has performed this installation in most of the units that had this done. Two owners in the building are considering installation of a second pane in their […]
It is not uncommon during the fall and winter for us to receive inquiries about condensation and ice on windows. Condensation is a function of exterior temperature versus interior temperature and interior relative humidity; when the glass becomes cold from the outdoor weather, the relatively warm and humid indoor air tends to condense on the […]
PARK TOWER CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING Monday January 12, 2015 at 7:30PM Party Room 2nd Floor CLOSED SESSION – 6:30PM Held by the Board to discuss litigation, personnel matters, and/or violations of rules and regulations (Condominium Act – Sec. 18, a. 9). OWNERS FORUM – 7:30PM The Board of Directors and Management responded to questions and […]
We’ve had a lot going on around the building, even despite the frigid winter weather. Here are some helpful updates on the status of the work being: 1. LIFE SAFETY TESTING – DONE! The comprehensive testing of the building’s life safety network was completed. This included testing of major parts and components of the hallway […]