High Rise Residents Can Help Keep An Eye Out The first birds of the spring migration season have already been observed in Chicago. These birds are unable to perceive glass, are confused by foliage in buildings, and see sky reflected in building glass. During migration, as they fly North to their breeding grounds, some birds […]
Neighbors, Owners and Friends: Park Tower is sponsoring an Art Show on April 21st, and is looking for Additional Artists who may be interested in participating and showcasing their talents! PROFESSIONALS or HOBBYISTS welcome! Please Sign Up By March 21st Painting, drawing, sculpture, photography, ceramics, woodworking, prints, glass work, metal work, fabric art, wearable art, […]
Alderman Harry Osterman & Edgewater Village Invite You to the 18th Annual SENIOR RESOURCE FAIR Monday, March 19, 2018 Broadway Armory 5917 N. Broadway 10:00am – 1:00pm Over 50 Service Providers will be offering information and resources for community involvement, healthcare, wellness, medical treatment, retirement living and more. Light Refreshments * Raffles * Piano Music […]
Starting February 27th through March 9, 2018, you may experience brief interruptions to your Digital TV service due to sun outages. WHAT CAUSES A SUN OUTAGE? Twice a year, you may experience some degree of television interference due to “sun outages.” This happens when the sun moves directly behind a TV satellite and interferes with […]
NOTE: Park Tower is working on arranging a meeting for residents to meet with the developer to give feedback and ask questions. If this is scheduled, notices will be posted ASAP. Renderings Released Of Development That Could Replace Wing Hoe Restaurant Mansion February 8, 2018 / By Daniel Zagotta “At a community open house […]
Community Meeting February 7th Regarding ‘Wing Hoe’ Property Development 6PM at Tedino’s Orange Properties is hosting a meeting for interested community members who would like to learn about the plans for the current Wing Hoe property. A 4-story, 50-unit, 20-parking space building is envisioned to replace Wing Hoe. Location: Tedino’s Pizzeria & Restaurant Address: […]