Our first discussion on Cultural Diversity at Park Tower inspired a vibrant discussion of our rich and diverse condominium community. The second discussion, Exploring Implicit Bias, led us to an understanding of how unconscious biases hurt others and how they may be mitigated. The upcoming third discussion will explore Equality and Equity — the difference […]
Our first discussion on Cultural Diversity at Park Tower inspired a vibrant discussion of our rich and diverse community. The second discussion in our series is Exploring Implicit Bias. Are you interested in learning what implicit bias is, how it effects society and our everyday lives, and how we can overcome the problems it can […]
The Social Commission presents an interactive multi-media talk and presentation, Aging with Autonomy, Community, and Purpose at Park Tower: Ideas from Atul Gawande’s book, Being Mortal, on Wednesday, October 21, 7 pm on Zoom. Pamela Woll MA, CPS will be giving the presentation, and David Folkes, MA, LCPC will be doing some short readings from […]
About a year ago, Martha Mills led a “Peace Circle” in our Party Room for residents interested in Restorative Justice (RJ). The meeting was very well-attended, and by the time we finished virtually everyone had been deeply drawn into the conversation. Judge Mills is a twice-retired judge of the Circuit Court of Cook County who frequently recommended the RJ […]
Sign-up thru November 8 using the card available from the Doorman’s desk. Circle which you’ll bring: main course, salad/side, appetizer, or dessert .. Fill in the rest of the blanks, then drop the card into the mail slot at the Doorman’s desk. Signers-up will be confirmed by phone and email on November 9. For whatever dish you select, […]
James T. Kirk (William Shatner) reassumes command of the starship Enterprise, refurbished now with the latest gear and weaponry. Its mission — to stop a cosmic menace, a shimmering force field from uncharted space that is heading for Earth and destroying anything in its way.