Buyer Beware! It was brought to my attention that owners are receiving a mailing from “Illinois Deed Provider”, offering to get you a copy of your deed if you send them $89.50 or your credit card information. We suggest you save your money! While it does not appear this is a scam – though we […]
As we continue to expand our communication efforts, accessibility and online presence, this has logically resulted in getting PTCA out there on facebook. So friends, residents, owners – just search for PT Condo and/or Park Tower Condo Association, and give us a thumbs up! 🙂
Unfortunately, complaints about the US Mail have continued. I have been stopped a number of times by PT residents in the building, and even walking around the neighborhood, :), and the conversation many times is about missing mail, or residents receiving their neighbor’s mail. Also, the office staff has seen a steady increase in calls […]
Workers recently removed several areas of the topping slab laid on the plaza last year, and replaced them. And yes, they appear to be a different color. A 100% match is not possible, however the biggest reason for the difference in appearance is that it is brand new, un-weathered, and untainted by all the dust from the […]
Ad-hoc Commission of Unit Owners to Review the Declaration and ByLaws. At the May 11th Board of Directors Meeting, the Board formed a Commission to be called the “The Ad-hoc Committee to Review the Decs and Bylaws”, and made a call for volunteer unit owners to serve. This Committee will review and consider possible changes […]
IMPORTANT NOTE: The “Post Meeting Round Up” is neither official meeting minutes, nor are they intended as a replacement of actual meeting minutes for Board Meetings. The minutes of any given meeting are typically not available until after they are reviewed and approved by the Board, which usually occurs at the next scheduled meeting. Rather, […]