Events Calendar
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A signed copy of these and all minutes going back to the 1980’s are available from the Management Office upon request.
In Attendance
Bob Pierce, President; Phoebe Helm, 1st Vice President; Sandra Goldberg, 2ndVice President; Herbert Hellauer, Treasurer; Dan Harvey, Property Supervisor; Christina Epple, Property Manager; Mavis Mather, Assistant Manager
Call to Order (6:38 pm)
Comments Regarding Agenda (Board response in italics)
Don Yurkovic – How did the Board come up with this architect, were there three bids? Bob Pierce reported that he had attended a lecture on historic buildings and JLA was recommended by the Illinois Historic Preservation Council. In May 2006 the Board considered three different companies and voted on JLA.
Hershey Chalmers – Have you heard anything more about the flooding in the parking spot in front of the garage management office? Our building has been placed on Zera’s schedule to add an additional drain. In the area at the foot of the ramp in front of the office there has been flooding. We are not aware of any flooding in that area. Management walks the garage every day to check for further areas that need repair and we have not seen any flooding. Next time I see water in that spot I will see how long the water takes to disperse.
Susan Pestine – Is the driveway on the agenda, has it already been approved? The agenda item is to put this project out to bid. Why is the Board considering redoing the driveway when there is interior work that needs to be completed especially in the service areas? We shouldn’t worry about the outside until the interior is fixed. Sandra Goldberg reported that the building is not as dirty as it used to be. Things are getting better. I would like to publicly thank the maintenance department for doing a fabulous job this past February for keeping us warm and dry and for keeping the driveway and sidewalks shoveled, well salted and safe. I think that management and the Board should go floor to floor and look at how dirty the service areas are before we proceed with spending the money on the driveway. The service areas are an operational part of the building and the driveway is a reserve project.
Miriam Moss – We should be talking about the cost of the driveway versus other projects. Before the driveway we should be looking at the heating system in the units.
Vince DiFruscio – I would really like to see the Board follow through with the driveway project to make the front compliant with safety and handicap codes. The New York Times recently did a survey on what is the most beneficial way to spend money in a condo and the number one response was the front entrance. The Board thanked Mr. DiFruscio for his comment, and will take it into consideration later in the meeting.
Carlos Vargas – I had sent an email to the Board to request an agenda item to discuss the cable situation with RCN and nothing was done. What is the system to add items to the agenda? If you wish to add an agenda item you should ask the Board. This was the second time that I had asked the Board a question through email and have not received a response. Last year the Board approved a renewal contract with RCN for 7 years. What is the course of action that you want us to consider taking, if no action is recommended we will not put an item on the agenda?
Lorraine Meyers – JLA had made a presentation to our building regarding the proposal for the front circle drive project in which they took owner comments to consider for changes. JLA has never represented the design plan to the residents, what is the design that they are working with. JLA gave a presentation to the residents of the building three weeks ago in which they presented the schematic design based on the residents comments at the first presentation. All residents were invited to attend.
Vince DiFruscio – Can the Board make a copy of the schematic design available to residents at the front desk? Management will make copies of the design available to the residents.
Paul Groeninger – In the minutes from the last meeting there was a repair expense approved in closed session. Why was this discussed in closed session, shouldn’t all expenses be approved in open session? This decision was personnel related, the discussion happened in closed session but the expense was approved in open session following the closed session. Sandra Goldberg stated that she believes in open governance. With that said, I feel Draper and Kramer’s proposal to manage our garage must be discussed and voted upon in a future open session, not in today’s executive session. Also, as with all contracts, since this is a contract, there must be competitive bidding.
Homero Longoria – Why did Sandra Goldberg not approve the minutes in the last meeting? Sandra Goldberg stated that she does not approve the minutes if her comments are altered or deleted. Phoebe Helm stated that the Board is following the attorney’s advice to only report the action and not the discussion.
Miriam Moss – According to Pearlstein in the November 12, 2006 Chicago Tribune sensitive items can be discussed in open session. Litigation, employment, and personnel decisions can all be made in open session, the Board does not have to meet behind closed doors. Phoebe Helm stated that all decisions are made (voted on) in open session. The purpose of Closed Session is to allow the Board to deliberate on those three items as stated by Mrs. Moss. All other items must be discussed in the open meeting. The Board thanked Mrs. Moss for her comment.
Minutes February 12, 2007 Rule Meeting
Upon due motion by Phoebe Helm and seconded by Sandra Goldberg, the Board voted unanimously to approve the minutes of the February 12, 2007 Rule Meeting pending the change of correcting a comment to register all pets.
Minutes February 12, 2007 Budget Meeting
Upon due motion by Herbert Hellauer and seconded by Phoebe Helm, the Board voted unanimously to approve the minutes of the February 12, 2007 Budget Meeting.
Minutes February 12, 2007 Board Meeting
Upon due motion by Sandra Goldberg and seconded by Phoebe Helm, the Board voted unanimously to approve the minutes of the February 12, 2007 Board Meeting.
Hedging Policy for Purchase of Natural Gas
Upon due motion by Phoebe Helm and seconded by Herbert Hellauer, the Board voted unanimously to adopt a new three year hedging policy of 90%, 60%, and 30% for natural gas purchases.
Natural Gas Purchase
Upon due motion by Phoebe Helm and seconded by Herbert Hellauer, the Board voted to authorize the Board President to contract for $0.92 per therm through March 2009 and $0.86 per therm through March 2010. Phoebe Helm, Herbert Hellauer and Bob Pierce voted in favor; Sandra Goldberg opposed. The motion passed.
Elevator Maintenance Contract
Upon due motion by Phoebe Helm and seconded by Herbert Hellauer, the Board voted unanimously to approve the elevator maintenance contract to Otis Elevator for a three year contract with an automatic renewal for 2 years as outlined in option 2 of their proposal.
JLA Contract
Upon due motion by Phoebe Helm and seconded by Herbert Hellauer the Board voted to approve the contract for JLA to oversee the front drive improvement project, under the same terms and conditions JLA proposed in September 2006 without expanding the scope of the project to include modifications to the front door, lobby or handicap accessible ramps in the garage at this time. Phoebe Helm, Herbert Hellauer, and Bob Pierce voted in favor; Sandra Goldberg opposed. The motion passed.
Smokestack Repairs
Upon due motion by Phoebe Helm and seconded by Sandra Goldberg the Board voted unanimously to approve the boiler stack guide repair proposal from Hemingway, as submitted in the amount of $2,884.
Owner Requests to Remodel
Upon due motion by Sandra Goldberg and seconded by Herbert Hellauer the Board voted unanimously to approve the remodeling of units 708 and 3306/07 as submitted by the owners, following the recommendations of the chief engineer as outlined in their written specifications and in accordance with the Rules and Regulations and remodeling guidelines of the Park Tower Condo Association.
Treasurer’s Report (Herbert Hellauer)
Upon due motion by Bob Pierce and seconded by Sandra Goldberg, the Board voted unanimously to approve the liquidation of the CD at Advanta Bank with the proceeds of $103,877.58 deposited into the MAX SAFE account at Barrington Bank.
Upon due motion by Bob Pierce and seconded by Sandra Goldberg, the Board voted unanimously to approve the rollover of the CD at National InterBank (Union Federal Bank) for 12 months in the amount of $100,000 at a rate of 5.225%.
According to the January 31, 2007 Financial Statements the total operating funds were $184,080.24. The total of the Max Safe account at Barrington Bank was $180,920.81. The total of the replacement reserve funds was $1,443,579.78. The total of all cash and investments is $1,627,660.02.
Management Report (Christina Epple)
Over the course of the last several weeks there have been numerous postings of notices regarding the RCN conversion to digital cable. Currently we have set up a building event in which RCN will be in the building to switch out the analog cable boxes for a digital box. There will be three days that RCN is in the building and they will send out letters to the units to advise on which day you should switch out your box. RCN technicians will be on site to assist residents who require help with the installation of the digital box. There will be no charge for this service. We are still negotiating with RCN about reimbursing charges that Park Tower residents have incurred by switching their boxes prior to the conversion.
Appraisal Research Counselors have provided their opinion of replacement cost for insurance purposes as of February 12, 2007. As part of the process they inspected the common areas and reviewed the architectural plans. The total gross building area is measured at 702 thousand square feet this includes 40 thousand square feet of commercial space and 127 thousand square feet of basement and garage area. The previous insurable value of the building was estimated at $77million, the new insurable value of the building is $117million with a total replacement cost of $129million.
Board Report (Bob Pierce)
The Board is in the process of putting together a task force for reviewing the three reserve study proposals from L&M, Reserve Advisors, and Full Circle. This group will meet to discuss what we should expect to see in a thorough reserve study and will make a report at the next Board Meeting.
The Planning and Zoning Committee will soon address changes to the affordable housing set-aside rules. Lorraine Meyers will follow up with the 48th Ward’s position. The 7-11 site on Clark which last month was approved for a residential building, with the first floor commercial space will have 9 units – one of them affordable. The Broadway Bank landscaping proposal was approved. The Jesuit Residence request for a zoning change for designated parking across the alley behind the building facing Sheridan was supported.
The community meeting regarding the CTA stations at Berwyn an Bryn Mawr were “visioning” sessions, the results will be presented in April. Our State Representative was in attendance and was asked to see if TIF money may be available for station improvements, since the Berwyn station is in a TIF district that will expire in 2009.
On March 19, 2007 at Truman College there will be a meeting about the CTA renovations that will reduce capacity on the Red Line for two years.
ASCO Update (Lorraine Meyers)
There was an ASCO meeting last night and the general ASCO meeting will be held on March 13, 2007 at Malibu with parking available for a fee. Originally we were only scheduled for two movies in the park but this has been increased to three. On July 18 they will show Cabaret, on August 23rd Akeelah and the Bee will show, and on September 6th a movie to be announced. There will be more publicity with the films later on. There was also a Discussion on six proposed legislative bills that will be going before the Illinois assembly. One is for management companies of condominiums to have to pay a fee for the license. ASCO will be going over all of the bills in a special meeting around April 10th with someone who can explain all of the new laws.
Open Comments and Questions (Board response in italics)
Vince DiFruscio – When the schematic design for the front drive was proposed there was talk about changing the entry system. I would like to see something similar to the rehab center downtown where there are two sets of sliding doors and one will not open until the first has closed. The Board will take this into consideration.
Lorraine Meyers – First the washing machines are not spinning until dry they are stopping when the clothes are still wet. Secondly the repairman was in the laundry room on Monday and someone had put too much soap in the upright washer and suds were everywhere, the emergency call buttons are not working either by the door or in the back of the room. We will have maintenance look into the emergency call system.
Terry Gorman – What is the garbage pick-up situation over the weekend; there is a strong garbage smell on the higher floors? The only day without pickup is Sundays. Why is there no pickup on Sundays? There are very few scavenger companies that will service residential buildings on Sundays. We will check into the availability and cost.
Miriam Moss – The 2nd drier in the front of the laundry room stops in the middle of the drying cycle and OP shows on the display. Also between the two small front load machines one was out of order and the other wouldn’t stop on the spin dry cycle. When we consider the contract can we look at the possibility of more front load machines? The Board will take this into consideration when the laundry contract is up for renewal.
David Conkey – Does the laundry company come out on a weekly basis? They are here every week sometimes two to three times a week. What about for preventative maintenance? The company comes out once a week for preventative maintenance and more frequently as requested for service.
Lorraine Meyers – Can we get new tiles for the area from the garage to the elevators on 1P; the tiles are dirty and old and won’t become clean? The expense for new flooring on that area was included in this year’s budget.
David Conkey – Where the smoke stack repairs for the stack? The repairs are for the boiler smoke stack. Do they test the smokestacks for emissions? The smoke stacks are checked yearly. Is the 80% carpet rule being explained to the units doing constriction? We have been unable to check the acoustical tests for noise. Earlier tonight it was asked how to add an item to the agenda, what is the proper procedure for this? The point of this section of the meeting is to see what items the residents would like to see on future agendas. Is there a way to request a private meeting with the Board? You would need to submit a request for a meeting with either the Board or management in writing.
Approval Closed Session
Upon due motion by Sandra Goldberg and seconded by Herbert Hellauer the Board voted unanimously to suspend the March Board meeting to allow for an executive session of the Board of Directors to discuss personnel, litigation, and/or rule violations.
The meeting resumed at 11:02 pm.
Results Closed Session
Upon due motion by Herbert Hellauer and seconded by Sandra Goldberg the Board voted unanimously to approve the following: A: no action, B: waive $650.00 in fines, C: approve letter to be sent to a unit owner, E: give an extension for towing a car until Monday, F: approve a $75 fine for a rule violation.
Upon due motion by Phoebe Helm and seconded by Herbert Hellauer the Board voted to issue a 30 day termination notice to Standard Parking with an effective date of April 20, 2007 as per our contract, and to assign to Draper and Kramer the transition of the garage starting with managing the accounts with the intent to take over the management operations. Phoebe Helm, Herbert Hellauer, and Bob Pierce voted in favor; Sandra Goldberg opposed. The motion passed.
Upon due motion by Herbert Hellauer and seconded by Sandra Goldberg the meeting adjourned at 11:09 pm.
Bob Pierce, President
Phoebe Helm, 1st Vice President