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A signed copy of these and all minutes going back to the 1980’s are available from the Management Office upon request.
In Attendance
Bob Pierce, President; Phoebe Helm, 1st Vice President; Sandra Goldberg, 2ndVice President; Herbert Hellauer, Treasurer; Dan Harvey, Property Supervisor; Christina Epple, Property Manager; Mavis Mather, Assistant Manager Business Operations; Michael Rupert, Assistant Manager of Security & Operations; Sara Kacheris, Administrative Assistant Resident Services
Call to Order at 6:52 pm
There were no resident comments regarding the agenda.
Minutes May 14, 2007
Upon due motion by Sandra Goldberg and seconded by Phoebe Helm, the Board voted unanimously to approve the minutes of the May 14, 2007 Board Meeting.
Sun Deck Planter Enhancements
Upon due motion by Phoebe Helm and seconded by Herbert Hellauer, the Board voted unanimously to approve the proposal for planter enhancements to the second floor sun deck as submitted by Brickman Landscaping in the amount of $1,584.00.
2006/07 Audit Acceptance
Upon due motion by Sandra Goldberg and seconded by Phoebe Helm, the Board voted unanimously to accept the opinion of the auditor and approve the distribution of the 2006/07 audit.
Treasurer’s Report (Herbert Hellauer)
According to the April 30, 2007 Financial Statements the total operating funds were $123,672.59. The total of the Max Safe account at Barrington Bank was $298,039.84. The total of the replacement reserve funds was $1,457,655.52. The total of all cash and investments is $1,581,328.11.
Management Report (Christina Epple)
The Property Managers Report is attached at the end of the minutes.
Board Report (Bob Pierce)
The Presidents Board Report is attached at the end of the minutes.
ASCO Update (Lorraine Meyers)
The property tax freeze has been extended by Springfield for 1 year.
ComEd has reclassified all of the condos and will be doing a rollback with a refund for those condo buildings that were affected. Park Tower will not be affected because our rate was not reclassified.
The property manager regulation has passed and is on the Governor’s desk for approval.
At last Tuesday’s meeting the representative of the Alderman’s office came and introduced the proposed TIF for this area. TIF stands for tax increment financing. The current TIF runs out in 2009 and then the money will go into the city’s general fund. The proposed TIF would run from Broadway and Rosemont along Broadway, down Hollywood to Sheridan, along Sheridan until 2 blocks past Argyle. The Dominick’s and motel on Foster have been sold to the same buyer and a large development id being planned for that space. ASCO had asked for a bus turn around to be included in the new development, but this was not included as part of the proposed TIF. This new development would take advantage of the money from the TIF and would have their taxes reduced for 23 years. Part of the expiring TIF was to be a bus turn around at Berwyn and Broadway but this was never developed. I am asking the Board for their decision on whether I should vote for or against the proposed TIF.
Phoebe Helm stated that she would vote in favor of the TIF only if it included a bus turnaround. Bob Pierce voted for the TIF. Herbert Hellauer voted for the TIF. Sandra Goldberg abstained from the vote. The Board asked Lorraine if she could have the alderman come to the building to talk about the TIF to the residents.
Unit Owner Open Comments and Questions
Nancy Ledvina As an owner I have concerns regarding the building of a 40 story building on Foster and Sheridan. Bob Pierce stated that the city will have some say in this building because there is a 5’ wide strip running through the middle of it that the city owns. But we also have an alderman who wants this building and will do whatever she can to get it. I am concerned that she is making this her vision and not the vision of the people she represents. Bob Pierce stated that one concession is that when the Admiral was redeveloped we were able to get a lot of concessions from the developer because the community was concerned about the height and the shape and there will be public amenities added as well. Lorraine Meyers stated that there was a block club that worked hours and hours for months on alternatives for that property.
Phoebe Helm Don’t we have the opportunity to show up in mass at the department of planning when the development comes on their agenda? Can we show our opinion at that point?
Lorraine Meyers stated that you would have to do this ahead of time because if you wait until the vote night and arrive in droves the process is too far along to stop. Bob Pierce asked Lorraine Meyers to keep the Board informed of the development so that the Building has the opportunity to have their voice heard.
Mojgan Majdzadeh When I send a question or an email to the management office what is the time line to receive a response and have action taken on something? It depends on the issue if its something that management can resolve you should receive a response the same day unless the action requires a Board decision and then you would have to wait until the next Board meeting for consideration. It has been more than a month since I have requested that the Draper and Kramer address and phone number be included on the top part of the statements, and this was approved a year and a half ago. How long will this take. The lockbox address was added to the top of the assessment for everyone that does not have automatic payment, we will look to see if the address is on the statements for those individuals that have automatic withdrawal.
Betty Terry-Lundy I would like clarification on the ComEd commercial rate reclassification, do we do anything or is it automatic? The reclassification only affects around 700 buildings in Chicago. We were not reclassified as our building was set at a commercial rate before the changes. This only affects those buildings that were reclassified after the ComEd electric auction. Only where the association pays for individual units will the building be considered a residential rate.
Sandra Goldberg During Meet the Candidates night on May 30th, one of the candidates stated that there was a board member who did not want the dry cleaners and the receiving room. I believe this candidate was referring to me. I want to set the record straight. The association is paying the dry cleaners $500/mo to act as a receiving room and has done so for at least the part 5 years. I never stated that I did not want the dry cleaner and the receiving room. I said that if the dry cleaner is not paying the association any rent then they should also act as a receiving room at no additional cost to the association.
Jeff Fizer I was curious if we could have a small amenity such as a gas grill on the roof as a community grill to use to grill? Herbert Hellauer stated that when this was previously brought up there were many considerations such as residents on the low rise would have smoke coming into their units and it became a matter of who would clean up the grill afterwards. Several issues were talked about and it never got to the point that a grill was placed out there. That is as much as I remember about this issue. Bob Pierce stated that this could be placed on a future agenda.
Bhat What improvements would this TIF bring to the neighborhood? Bob Pierce stated that Lorraine would be available after the meeting to discuss specifics but each TIF is supposed to have a dedicated purpose. The TIF started 21 years ago was to build up the strip mall by the Berwyn L stop. The Bryn Mawr TIF was used to rehab the Belle Shore and the Green Building. The developer said that they would not have been able to rehab these buildings without the TIF money. The problem is that the money is not always used for the amenities that it is supposed to be used for. The important thing is that we remain active and involved in what the money is spent on.
Charles Frazier With the dilemma about the grill what if we designate a certain area and make the residents responsible for cleaning it themselves. We can consider the issue if we have all of the information before us, I think its important that whatever is decided it is included in the Rules and Regulations.
Harriet Dominique Is anything going into the old Delrey building on Foster and Broadway, it’s all boarded up. Lorraine Meyer stated that the people that were going to develop it into condos could not get funding and so it is closed and on hold.
Susan Pestine Are we doing anything about making the garage more handicap acceptable?
Phoebe Helm stated that the intent was to address this with Johnson Lasky when the bid process comes back from the front circle drive so that we could approach it at that time.
Bob Pierce stated that they had come up with a few preliminary proposals but none of them are easy solutions as they include knocking down walls and enlarging the space that is available.
Nancy Ledvina I had a suggestion for the grill that we would require a $25.00 deposit and if the resident did not clean it up they would forfeit their deposit. The Board will consider this when they have the information to make a decision about allowing a grill.
Approval Closed Session
Upon due motion by Phoebe Helm and seconded by Sandra Goldberg the Board voted unanimously to suspend the June Board meeting to allow for an executive session of the Board of Directors to discuss personnel, litigation, and/or rule violations.
Call to Order The meeting resumed at 8:20pm.]
Results Closed Session Upon due motion by Sandra Goldberg and seconded by Phoebe Helm the Board voted unanimously to not waive a legal fee. Upon due motion by Phoebe Helm and seconded by Herbert Hellauer the Board voted unanimously to fine $50.00 for a rule infraction. Upon due motion by Sandra Goldberg and seconded by Phoebe Helm the Board voted unanimously to approve a $50.00 fine contingent on a unit registering their cat. Upon due motion by Phoebe Helm and seconded by Herbert Hellauer the Board voted unanimously to approve a 2 year ban on the Party Room for a resident.
Upon due motion by Sandra Goldberg and seconded by Herbert Hellauer the meeting adjourned at 8:23pm.
Bob Pierce, President
Phoebe Helm, 1st Vice President