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A signed copy of these and all minutes going back to the 1980’s are available from the Management Office upon request.
Board Members Present
Bob Pierce, President; Phoebe Helm, 1st Vice President; Sandra Goldberg, 2nd Vice President; Herbert Hellauer, Treasurer; Nessim Hanna, Secretary
Management Representatives
Mary McQuillan, Property Supervisor; Christina Epple, Property Manager; Mavis Mather, Assistant Manager
These are the minutes of the Board of Directors of the PARK TOWER CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION, an Illinois not-for-profit corporation.
Call to Order
Bob Pierce chaired and called this meeting to order at 6:32 pm.
Minutes June 26, 2006
The Board Meeting commenced with consideration of the minutes of the Board of Directors’ meeting held on Monday June 26, 2006. Upon due motion by Nessim Hanna and seconded by Herbert Hellauer, the Board voted to approve the minutes of the June 26, 2006 Board Meeting Phoebe Helm abstained as she was not present at the meeting.
Approval of Closed Session
Resolved to approve the suspension of the July Board Meeting so that the Board of Directors may hold an executive session to discuss issues such as litigation, employment and/or violation of the rules and regulations that may not be discussed in an open forum.
Upon due motion by Nessim Hanna and seconded by Sandra Goldberg the Board unanimously voted to suspend the July Board meeting to allow for an executive session of the Board of Directors.
The Board reconvened at 7:25pm, Bob Pierce, Phoebe Helm, Sandra Goldberg, and Nessim Hanna were present, and Herbert Hellauer was absent.
Approval of Motions resulting from Closed Session
Residents Comments Regarding the Agenda
Carlos Vargas would like the Board to reconsider adjourning the meeting for 45 minutes to discuss items on the executive session. The Board reiterated that the executive session needs to be approved during the Board Meeting and that the information discussed cannot be in an open session as it pertains to litigation, employment, and rules violations. Adie Farce also does not like the half hour of waiting especially if the Board cannot talk about what happened in the closed session. The Board thanked Ms. Farce for her comment and will consider the placement of the executive session for future meetings.
Miriam Moss stated that she does not approve of item 12 on the agenda. The Board thanked Mrs. Moss for her comment; they will take it into consideration later in the meeting.
Gregor Hamilton would like to know if the Board could share any more information about the settlement of the hydrant lawsuit. The Board explained that they couldn’t discuss the terms of the settlement, as it has not yet been accepted.
Ron Moss stated that he thinks that item 7 on the agenda is a bad idea. The Board thanked Mr. Moss for his comment; they will take it into consideration later in the meeting.
Laura Carl stated that she thinks that item 7 is a good way to honor service to the association. The Board thanked Ms. Carl for her comment; they will take it into consideration later in the meeting.
Nancy Smith-Ledvina stated that she thinks that item 7 should only be approved for the length of term that the president had served. The Board thanked Ms. Smith-Ledvina for her comment; they will take it into consideration later in the meeting.
Marian Shaw would like to know about the recouping of costs from the hydrant. The Board reviewed what damage was caused to the building hydrant and how the litigation is to recoup the expenses of the repairs to the building hydrant line.
Vince DiFruscio would like to know whether item 7 would be legal since it is illegal to compensate people for serving on a Board of Directors. The Board thanked Mr. DiFruscio for his comment, and will consider how this item would fit into the bylaws of the building.
Carlos Vargas stated that he has served on the Garage Committee for many years and would like to know if he gets any compensation. The Board thanked Mr. Vargas for his comment; they will take it into consideration later in the meeting.
Sharron Partner would like the Board to move the executive session to the end of the meeting so that they do not have to wait for the meeting. The Board thanked Ms. Partner for her comment and will consider the placement of the executive session for future meetings.
Harriet Dominique would like to know if the brown-out was the reason why the Board left the meeting. The Board stated that they left the meeting for the executive session and that the brown-out was a separate phenomenon that management is handling the situation.
Don Yuratovac would like to know whom item 12 on the agenda is for. The Board explained that this item was for Fred McLimore Dr. Roy’s husband.
Resolved to thank the Social Committee members Ruth Posternack, Bea Steiber, and Harriet Dominique for their work on the 4th of July Party. Upon due motion by Phoebe Helm and seconded by Nessim Hanna, the Board voted unanimously to thank the Social Committee for their work on the 4th of July Party.
Resolved to thank Rosalie Sutcher and Vince DiFruscio for their service as members of the PTCA Board. Upon due motion by Nessim Hanna and seconded by Phoebe Helm, the Board voted unanimously to thank Rosalie Sutcher and Vince DiFruscio for their work on the July 4th party.
Resolved to approve the following owners as committee members to serve on Board sanctioned committees for the terms listed:
Upon due motion by Phoebe Helm and seconded by Sandra Goldberg, the Board voted unanimously approve the above listed owners to the committees for the length of term listed and to also accept new owners as their names are submitted to the Board chairman.
Resolved to appoint a task force to develop a focus group to explore forming a communications committee to review current means of communication to the residents and to provide recommendations to the Board for improved means of communication for the residents. Upon due motion by Phoebe Helm and seconded by Sandra Goldberg, the Board voted unanimously to appoint a taskforce to develop a focus group to explore forming a communications committee with Bob Pierce as head of the taskforce.
Resolved to approve a non-precedent setting decision to ratify a prior Boards decision to grant a lifetime health club membership for a former Board President. Upon due motion by Phoebe Helm and seconded by Sandra Goldberg, the Board voted unanimously to approve the lifetime health club membership for a former Board President.
Resolved to approve free health club memberships for the current Board for the length of their appointed terms. Upon due motion by Phoebe Helm and seconded by Nessim Hanna, the Board voted on the motion to grant free health club memberships to the current Board of Directors. Phoebe Helm voted against, Nessim Hanna voted for, Sandra Goldberg voted against, Bob Pierce voted against. The motion failed. Resolved to approve the waiver of the health club membership fees for the length of term for serving chairs of the committees as appointed by the Board. Upon due motion by Phoebe Helm and seconded by Sandra Goldberg, the Board voted unanimously to approve the waiver of health club membership fees for the length of the term of the serving chairs of the committees as appointed by the Board of Directors.
Resolved to approve the replacement of the riser and branch line in apartment 5201 that is being remodeled and adjacent units as may be determined necessary. Upon due motion by Phoebe Helm and seconded by Sandra Goldberg, the Board voted unanimously to approve the replacement of the riser and branch line in apartment 5201 and adjacent units as may be determined necessary.
Resolved to approve the formation of a subcommittee to the Home Improvement committee to provide research upon areas of ADA compliance and offer suggestions or recommendations to the Board when common area elements as a redesign or modifications to existing design elements are needed. Recommendations may be requested for such current improvements such as the garage ramp design. Upon due motion by Phoebe Helm and seconded by Sandra Goldberg, the Board voted unanimously to approve the formation of a subcommittee on ADA compliance.
Resolved to authorize modifications to the garage ramps to redesign the ramps to fully meet the requirements and accomidations of the handicapped residents of the building and to meet ADA requirements. Upon due motion by Phoebe Helm and seconded by Sandra Goldberg, the Board voted unanimously to approve the authorization of modifications to the garage ramps.
Resolved to approve the postponement of the approval of authorizing JLA to incorporate the design schematics of the lobby remodel with the previously submitted front circle drive design. Upon due motion by Phoebe Helm and seconded by Nessim Hanna, the Board voted unanimously to approve the postponement of the incorporation of the lobby design into the front circle drive design.
Resolved to approve a non-precedent setting contribution in the amount of $150.00 to be contributed to the Dr. McLimore scholarship fund in recognition of Dr. Roy’s many contributions to this building. Upon due motion by Phoebe Helm and seconded by Sandra Goldberg, the Board voted unanimously to approve the contribution of $150.00 to the scholarship fund in the name of Dr. McLimore.
Resolved to approve the following signatory changes at Bridgeview Bank on 2 separate checking accounts currently set up for the Employee Holiday Fund and the Park Tower Social Fund; removing Vince DiFruscio and Rosalie Sutcher from the account and adding Herbert Hellauer and Phoebe Helm as the signatures effective July 31, 2006. Upon due motion by Nessim Hanna and seconded by Sandra Goldberg, the Board voted unanimously to change the signatures on the Bridgeview Bank account.
Resolved to approve the following schedule for the Board of Directors meetings: Monday August 21, 2006, Monday September 25, 2006, Monday October 23, 2006, Monday November 27, 2006, Monday December 18, 2006, Monday January 22, 2007, Monday February 26, 2007, Monday March 26, 2007, Monday April 23, 2007, Monday May 21, 2007, and annual meeting on Monday June 25, 2007. Upon due motion by Phoebe Helm and seconded by Nessim Hanna, the Board voted unanimously to approve the Board meeting schedule as listed above.
Resolved to withdraw the CD transactions motion as no action is needed. Upon due motion by Phoebe Helm and seconded by Nessim Hanna, the Board voted unanimously to withdraw the motion of CD transactions as no action is needed.
Resolved to ratify the approval of remodeling of units 1015, 1602, 3212, 507, and 5201 as submitted by the unit owners with the recommendations of the chief engineer, in accordance of the Rules and Regulations and remodeling guidelines. Upon due motion by Phoebe Helm and seconded by Nessim Hanna, the Board voted unanimously to ratify the approval of remodeling units 1015, 1602, 3212, 507, and 5201.
Resolved to appoint Lorraine Meyers as the Park Tower Representative to ASCO and to the 48th Ward Planning and Zoning Committee with Bob Pierce as the alternate to the 48th Ward Planning and Zoning Committee. Upon due motion by Sandra Goldberg and seconded by Phoebe Helm, the Board voted unanimously to approve the appointment of Lorraine Meyers as the Park Tower Representative to ASCO and the 48th Ward Planning and Zoning Committee with Bob Pierce as the alternate.
Treasurers Report (Mary McQuillan)
According to the June 30, 2006 Financial Statements the operating cash account at LaSalle Bank totaled $296,010. The petty cash account totaled $500.00. The Payroll account totaled $36,000.00. The total amount in Operating funds totaled $332,510. The account at the MAX SAFE account at Barrington Bank totaled $177,880. The Smith Barney account balance totaled $2,431. Seventeen Certificates of Deposit totaled $1,632,492. The total of all replacement reserves funds was $1,810,373. The total of all cash and investments was $2,142,883.
Management Report (Christina Epple)
This update will focus on what is happening with the chiller. Earlier this evening we had what was reported as a brown down but may have actually been a power failure. All of the chiller equipment, all of the compressors, pumps, elevators, everything actually lost power. Fortunately everything was brought up with the exception of chiller #2. Chiller #2 is the alternate chiller that we use when there is high load demand in the building. Right now we believe that when everything came back into power the circuit board on the relay was blown. The relay protects the motor from getting overheated and starting up too quickly. The relay did what it was supposed to do, the whole relay should have blown but it didn’t just the circuit was lost. We are trying to locate this circuit board that they can replace it into the relay switch. If they cannot do this, they can take the wire connection and literally put the wires together and jump-start the chiller. This is not a dangerous thing to do for the person doing it, they won’t be electrocuted or shocked, but there is no protection for the motor. If they give too much electrical voltage to the motor we could loose the motor. If we loose the motor than we will be out a motor for three to six weeks or longer. These motors are about $32,000 so we are not recommending this option. The other option is what Mary suggested which is using McQuay. There is a company by the name of McQuay Environmental that is an extremely well known firm. McQuay worked with Harbor Point, the property that has the same foot plan as this building, a month ago when there was a complete power failure from ComEd. McQuay was able to bring in equipment that could be tied into the chiller system and act as miniature chillers temporarily. What we are prepared to do, if we have to, if indeed the chiller equipment goes down and York cannot provide that service, is speak to McQuay and find out if they can deliver that equipment. We do have chiller #1, both of the chillers are the same size and the first chiller is working fine, however because there is so much demand the water inside the loop is probably close to 60 degrees, it was 58 approximately twenty minutes ago when we last spoke to Vio. So it will get warm in your units the longer the second chiller is out of operation. If we cannot get satisfaction from York in the next half hour or so we will call McQuay but you need to know that there will be a fairly decent sized cost. In the event that the first chiller for some reason should go out and there are no chillers working, Vio will do is cut off all the venting to the hallways so that there will be no warm air coming in though the outside through the vent. The reason for this is that the outside air comes in and then goes through under your doors and we don’t want 90-degree air coming into the building. What ever coolness you have inside your unit will probably last for about four hours so do not open your windows. The part that is needed for the relay is not a common part and York does not have one readily available. What we are currently working on is finding a Grainger supply that will open for them so that they can find if not this part than a comparable part. This was the last update that we heard.
Board Report (Bob Pierce)
There was a workshop summarizing Board operations that discussed changing the way that the Board will operate. All of the Board deliberations will be in public so the meeting will be like this one with discussion after each item. Closed session discussions and deliberations will be restricted to litigation, employment, and/or rule violations as prescribed by the Condo Act and the Illinois Open Meetings Act. Those discussions will not occur in public; however, any actions derived from those closed session deliberations will occur in public. There will be a future workshop on utilities that will be scheduled to meet to discuss what is going on with electricity. ComEd is changing the way that electricity will be sold and we currently do not have any contract in place and are on their defult bulk rate for electric. However this is something that we need to explore to better determine what needs to be done for the building. We are tentatively scheduling the week of August the 21st for this meeting. The purpose of holding workshops is to include the residents so that everyone can understand what the options are for buying utilities and we can build an understanding and commonality. These workshops are not designed for the Board but are designed for everyone to learn, there will be no action at any of these meetings. The workshops will be planned such that consultants will be available to better explain the ideas that are being discussed.
Open Comments, Questions from Residents
Don Yuratovac would like to know if it is possible to reconnect the green and red lights on 1P and 2P so that when the freight elevators are out the residents will know by the lights. Christina Epple said that she was told that this would simply be a matter of reconnecting existing wiring and she would bring this topic up with Otis and Donnelly in their next meeting.
Ruth Posternack would like to know if while car #3 is out we can have the doors on car #5 open on the lobby side rather than the freight side. Christina Epple said that she would talk with Otis about whether this is possible.
Carlos Vargas would like to know why Otis said that it would be impossible to connect the lighting earlier and now they are saying it is a matter of simple wiring. Also Carlos inquired as to whether we will be purchasing backup for the smaller parts on the chiller for future use. Christina Epple said that she did not know why Otis has changed their story on the garage lights but will look into it in their next meeting and that we do stock backups for the chillers and machinery in the building and that we will be purchasing extra parts for the chiller.
Mary Ann Kinney stated that she is glad that the board is looking into the future increases in electric fees and she would like to know why the Board is not allowed to accept gifts. The Board stated that according to according to the by-laws the board serves without compensation. Gift bans are a common ethical practice applied to elected officials. Additional conflicts of interest are evident in the Board’s ability to vote this benefit unto themselves, which is a little different from awarding such membership to a committee chair. A letter from the Board’s attorney supports this position.
Upon due motion by Nessim Hanna and seconded by Sandra Goldberg the meeting adjourned at 8:55 pm.
Bob Pierce, President
Nessim Hanna, Secretary