Make Some Room – Save Some Hassle – Store Your Bike For The Winter Rate Of $30 From November 1st Until Annual Registration In Spring 2023
Keeping that bike in your Unit? We have space available in the bike room…reduce the hassle, keep those dirty tires out of the building and off your floors and make more space for yourself by storing your bike in the bike room.
As of the drafting of this notice, we have about 40 spots available including upper and lower rack. Space on the bottom rack though is very limited and available only on a first come first serve basis.
Now through Spring, registration is reduced to $30 for storage until our annual registration and audit expected in late April.
ALSO – Speaking Of Extra Space…We Do Have 1P Storage Lockers Available!
Finding extra space something that would be nice to have for the holidays? Large and small lockers are presently available, first come first serve.
There are two larger lockers available, 3 feet wide, 4 feet deep and 7 feet high, for $100/month. There are seven smaller lockers available, 3 feet wide, 4 feet deep and 3.5 feet high for $50/month.
Interested in either, please contact the office at 773-769-3250 or send us an e-mail at
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