Last Summer The Budgeted Replacement Of The Lobby Fire Panel Was Approved By The Board, And The New Panel And Ancillary Parts And Equipment Have Been On Order Since We’ve received word the materials have arrived and the vendor doing the installation is ready to get started. The effort was planned to replace the aging […]
UPDATED June 3rd We received and update from our team, that as of yet, a few more days of work is needed, though they have reached major completion. Workers will continue coming and going for a few more days as they finish up. UPDATED May 25th Our Team Advises That Due To An Unexpected Delay, […]
BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING Monday May 8, 2023 7:30PM Roundup Report Important Note – The Meeting Roundup Report is provided as a courtesy for Owners to review business the Board considered and conducted at meetings. This is not intended to replace actual meeting minutes. Minutes for each Board Meeting are typically drafted after that meeting and approved […]
UPDATED MAY 25th Due to continued delays, most recently due to wind, the start date is now expected no sooner than June 1st. UPDATED May 13th Weather has continued to delay this season’s window washing. Originally this was due to scheduling delays with the vendor, but now other work on our end is conflicting, with […]
UPDATED May 11th QUESTION – Why are the hallways so much cooler? When I turn on my air I don’t get air blowing that is anywhere near the coolness of that in the hall. Another good question. And the answer underscores quite a bit of the challenge we face this time of year. Our HVAC […]
At Their April 10th Meeting, The Board Approved A 90 Day Trial For Day Passes To The Park Tower Health Club The are $15 for a pass, and are good for use within 30 days of purchase. If you are interested in giving it a try, just contact the office at