The Board of Directors will be meeting in Closed Session on Tuesday July 22nd, 6:30pm. They will be meeting in Closed Session for a discussion with the Association’s legal counsel. Any matters that may require further consideration or vote by the Board, may be considered further in Open Session at a future meeting of the Board.
The Board of Directors will meet on Monday July 14th at 7:30pm in the Party Room to discuss business of the association and any other rules the properly come up before the Board. The anticipated agenda will be posted on the bulletin board across from the cleaners/receiving room, prior to the meeting. You can also request the agenda and […]
Our contractor has reported they are up to 65% complete with Phase 1. Membrane installation is finally underway though it has been somewhat hampered by the wet weather. Masonry repairs are also continuing, and the contractor is awaiting the delivery of new brick for the repair areas. Obviously not all of the old brick was […]
Work Starting Monday July 14th: The riser replacement project will commence as planned Monday July 14th. Preparations are underway and all residents from 30 to 55 will be impacted as materials are set in place. The team will be working their way down from 55 to 30 over the next several weeks; materials will be […]
$9.06 Fee Added to All Electric Bills For Condo Owners One way or another, it seems the utilities always find a way to get more money. They are prohibited from raising rates on electricity without jumping through some hoops, but they do not hesitate making up new line items or enhancing others to get more money from consumers. We […]
Board of Directors Calls for Volunteers For All Committees The board at condo association’s such as Park Tower may create and appoint persons to a “commission”. These are generally groups of owners that act as a task force or advisory body to do research and gather information to make recommendations about association business, activities and improvements. At Park Tower, […]