BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING Management Report Monday March 27th, 2017 at 7:30PM 2nd Floor Party Room OWNER FORUM – 7:30PM – 15 minutes, 2 minutes per person The Board and Management will address questions and feedback from Unit Owners. OPEN SESSION – Call to Order The meeting chair, expected to be Board President Michael Parrie, […]
Before Too Long, Severe weather season will be upon us! Despite this weeks cold and snow, the turbulent and pendulum-like day to day changes we have experienced, as well as the very early season severe weather just a couple weeks ago, serve to underscore the time of year we are approaching. Cities and high-rises are […]
REMINDER: Town Hall Meetings Coming Up! First one this Saturday, March 18th in the Party Room. To help Owners better understand the topics and initiatives under consideration for proposed amendments to the PTCA Declaration and Bylaws. The process started about 2 years ago, with the formation and efforts of the Ad-Hoc Commission to Review the […]
PTCA Residents using the laundry room need to be aware of two ongoing issues being addressed by our team. 1. Entry Door Malfunction – A service call was placed for the malfunctioning entry door. Unfortunately the repair needed will not be a simple one. A part is needed which has been ordered. We do not […]
IMPORTANT NOTE: The “Post Meeting Roundup” is neither official meeting minutes, nor is it intended as a replacement of actual meeting minutes for Board Meetings. The minutes of any given meeting are typically not available until after they are reviewed and approved by the Board, which usually occurs at the next scheduled meeting. Rather, the […]
Some of this is just good old fashioned common sense and manners, then again, some of this may come as a surprise to a few of our residents…at least so it would seem based on some of the routine complaints the office receives. · First and foremost PLEASE DO NOT overload the machines—users have been […]