READ THE FINE PRINT! It has been reported by a resident who last year switched from getting electricity direct through ComEd to a firm by the name of “CleanChoice Energy”. An electricity provider purporting to provide 100% renewable energy from wind and solar farms. A year later, now paying almost DOUBLE the ComEd rate, this […]
By now, most PTCA Owners with e-mail addresses in our database, have received announcements and updates from Draper and Kramer regarding the launch of the new online payment portal. This summer, Draper and Kramer successfully launched a new Pay Portal for all their managed communities. Announcements were sent to everyone in our system with an […]
REMINDER… The PT Board of Directors received the draft audit report for the fiscal year ending March 31st, 2018, from the Association’s auditing firm Picker and Associates. The Board scheduled a meeting to review this report with Ralph Picker of Picker & Associates, to be held on Monday August 31, 2018 at 7:30pm in the […]
BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING Roundup Report Monday July 9, 2018 7:30PM 2nd Floor Party Room Important: The Post Meeting Roundup is neither the official minutes of a Board Meeting, nor is it intended to replace actual minutes. It is simply a review of business that took place at a meeting, as observed by Management. Actual minutes […]
The PTCA Social Committee will be meeting Tuesday July 10th, at 6:15pm in the Party Room. All are welcome! Want to help your neighbors and fellow owners and residents with event planning over the next year? Have ideas, suggestions, compliments or complaints? Join the discussion: Tuesday July 10, 2018 6:15 – 8:00 PM 2nd Floor […]
Our landscaping team with Brightview has scheduled the install of a new tree for the Circle Driveway Planter, Tuesday July 10th. They expect it to be installed during business hours, most likely mid-morning. It is logical to expect that during this period of time there will be limited access to the driveway when workers and […]