COVID-19 RESPONSE – Policy Update As of September 4, 2020 As presently posted throughout Park Tower’s common areas, entryways and elevators, the Board of Directors set in place updated guidance and enforcement policies to help manage the impact of the Coronavirus Pandemic. The goal of these policies is to help protect Owners, residents, their families, […]
On behalf of the PTCA Board, Management and Staff, we wish everyone a safe and excellent holiday weekend! Please remember, if you are participating in any activities this weekend, do so responsibly. Respect Social Distancing guidelines, face covering requirements and observe the elevator capacity and guest attendance restrictions. PTCA facility hours for the Holiday Weekend […]
BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING Management Report Monday September 14, 2020, 7:30pm Via “ZOOM” Meetings Online 6:30PM – CLOSED SESSION (Via ZOOM With PT Board) OWNER FORUM – Via Zoom Chat (Via ZOOM – Meeting ID# 811-3463-4824) Link: Phone: 1-312-626-6799 NOTE – For Owners attending the meeting, please feel welcome to share questions via the […]
From The Entire Park Tower Team You’re very welcome, and THANK YOU! On behalf of the entire staff, we greatly appreciated the show of support and thanks. This has been a challenging year for everyone – residents, Owners, staff and our families. As one of our janitors told me, “…the display (of thank you messages) was […]
Shared From The Most Recent TowerTalk Newsletter September – November 2020 “You may have noticed these green disposal bins in our Dock area, tucked behind the recycling dumpsters. They may be used by residents who subscribe to, a Chicago-based composting service. Rates start at $10 a month for compostable waste, which is treated at […]
While Green Week was cancelled due to the COVID-19 Pandemic, as promised we arranged a handful of the activities typically scheduled each year as a part of the effort. We’ve received and assembled our shipping containers for electronics recycling. We will keep these in place for at least the next week, at the back dock […]