UPDATED February 18th As of March 1st, the statement printing and mailing fee will increase to $2, consistent with the approved PTCA Budget for the 2022/2023 fiscal year. ORIGINAL POST Most Owners are still receiving a paper statement in the mail, and subsidizing the paper and postage with that the pesky $1/month charge. HOWEVER, as […]
In Weather Like We’ve Had Lately, the Outer Curtain Wall of the Building Can Take On Unusual Characteristics As a Result of its Design, and Can Even Cause Some Discomfort At Times Though some might say common sense might lead you to already understand why the metal and glass can act oddly during weather extremes, […]
BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING Monday February 8, 2021 7:30pm Roundup Report Meeting Held Via “ZOOM” Meetings Online Important Note – The Meeting Roundup Reports are provided as a courtesy for Owners to review business the Board considered and conducted at meetings. They are not intended to replace actual meeting minutes. Minutes for each Board Meeting are typically […]
Suggestions for Business, Improvements, Activities and More, From Owners and Residents are Always Encouraged and Welcome in a Condo Association and Community such as Park Tower For example, at a Resident Forum in 2018, an Owner suggested the Association pursue Go Grocer as a replacement market operator, and they were sought out directly by management […]
Thursday February 11th, a member of our staff and our Life Safety Systems vendor FOX Valley will be going from the 55th floor down inspecting our smoke tower. This is the window and fire safety equipment located in the corridor between the main hallways, and the SOUTH Stairwell. In the event of the fire, this […]
Come To The 48th Ward’s Free COVID Test Clinic When: Saturday, February 6, 2021 10:00 AM – 2:00 PM Where: Ismaili Jamatkhana Parking Lot Corner of N. Broadway & W. Rosemont 6259 N. Broadway, Chicago Available to EVERYONE ages 5+, regardless of immigration or health insurance status. Drive-up, walk-up clinic. Walk-ups will be admitted […]