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NOTE:The Board Meeting Round Up is a review of business conducted by the Board for Unit Owners’ convenience. This is neither intended to be nor should be considered an actual substitute for approved minutes. Minutes for Board meetings a typically approved at the next scheduled Board Meeting. Copies are placed in the bin across from the Cleaners/Receiving Room, and posted online on the DK Condo Park Tower Website, along with other useful forms, news and information.
Monday August 11th, 2014 at 7:30pm
(Held for Discussion of pending litigation, personnel matters, and/or violations of rules and regulations (Condominium Act – Sec. 18, a. 9).)
The Board and Management addressed questions and comments from unit owners at the meeting.
The Board Meeting was called to order. The Board President George Pauley confirmed there was a quorum, and indicated that Board Secretary Betty Terry-Lundy was participating by speaker phone. The Board and Management personnel present introduced themselves:
Tom Wartowski, 2nd Vice President
Betty Terry-Lundy, Secretary (by phone)
Michael Parrie, 1st Vice President
Dave Nicosia, Treasurer
George Pauley, Board President
Dave Barnhart, DK Condo Property Supervisor
Tim Patricio, DK Condo Property Manager
Mavis Mather DK Condo Assistant Manager
Committee Reports:
Dave Nicosia presented the ASCO report; ASCO is urging member buildings to ask owners and residents to write Senator John Cullerton and Senator Heather Steans to oppose SB 2664 – while it has already passed the State Senate with overwhelming support, we have been told the Governor is considering a VETO and if Senators withdraw their support from the bill it would help. He explained this is the bill that would limit the ability of condos to collect funds due from units in collections that are foreclosed.
Chairman Bob Shamo delivered a report from the News and Social Media Committee. He indicated the Committee will be focusing on, and ‘Tower Talk’. An upcoming meeting will solely be devoted to the next issue of the newsletter. A facebook page and twitter account will be secondary. The Committee also asked for the Board’s support to do a door drop to encourage residents to volunteer as writers and photographers to help with original content for both ptcondo and ‘Tower Talk’.
The Board unanimously passed a resolution to add to the Agenda to consider authorizing a door drop by the News and Social Media Committee.
Jean Shamo delivered a report on the most recent meetings of the Ad-hoc Committee on Rental Policy. She indicated the Committee had several specific proposals that are almost ready for the Association’s attorney and Board to review. She also mentioned the Committee was pleased to have a non-resident unit owner landlord join the Committee for discussion at their last meeting. The Committee expects to need only one more meeting before forwarding their recommendations.
Actions Taken By The Board:
Approval of Minutes- The Board unanimously passed resolutions approving the minutes of the July 14th and July 28th Board of Directors Meetings, with changes requested by the Board Secretary.
Approval of Service Animal Request- The Board passed a resolution authorizing a Service Animal Request by a Unit Owner. George Pauley, Michael Parrie, Tom Wartowski and Dave Nicosia voted in favor of the resolution. Betty Terry-Lundy abstained. (There was significant discussion regarding the request and No Dog/No Cat provisions in the Declaration, as well as reference to advice from legal counsel recommending the Board authorize the request as presented by the Owner due to federal, state and local housing regulations.)
Approval of Motions from Closed Session
BIKE ROOM FEE – The Board unanimously passed a resolution denying a request from a Unit Owner to waive a bike room registration fee.
COLLECTIONS – The Board passed a resolution authorizing DK Condo to operate on the Boards behalf with regards to collections matters, consistent with the policies and procedures in the Rules and Regulations. George Pauley, Tom Wartowski, Michael Parrie and Dave Nicosia voted in favor of the resolution. Betty Terry-Lundy voted against.
WARNING LETTER TO OWNER – The Board unanimously passed a resolution authorizing a letter from the Board of Directors, signed by each Board Member, be sent to a Unit Owner that caused disruption at the July 28th Board Meeting.
Request From Unit Owner – Declaration Amendment For Pets – The Board considered a letter from a Unit Owner requesting that an Amendment to the Declaration, allowing dogs, be drafted and put to a vote of the Unit Owners. The Board briefly discussed the possibility that a number of issues might be considered for amendments and that this could be included at the same time. However, they were not prepared to go through the process and it was unanimously agreed to table the request.
Owner Documentation Request – The Board passed a resolution denying a request from a Unit Owner to be provided with the ‘Code of Ethics’ signed by the Board, management and all employees. George Pauley, Dave Nicosia, Tom Wartowski and Michael Parries voted in favor of the resolution. Betty Terry-Lundy abstained.
Owner Documentation Request- The Board unanimously passed a resolution approving a request for a unit owner to receive a list of Unit Owner Names and addresses, with the understanding that the Unit Owner will clarify that the purpose is related to Association business.
Board Member Documentation Request – The Board considered a fellow members request to view the ballots and proxies from the 2014 Annual Meeting and Election, however a resolution directing Management to accommodate the request failed to pass. Michael Parrie and Betty Terry-Lundy voted in favor of the resolution; George Pauley and Dave Nicosia voted against the resolution and Tom Wartowski abstained.
Trash Chute Repairs – The Board unanimously passed a resolutions ratifying emergency repairs to the trash chute on floors 46 through 49 for $10,937.
Ad-hoc Committee Members – The Board unanimously passed a resolution appointing Unit Owner Ken Anderson to the Ad-hoc Committee on Rental Policy.
Meeting With Attorney – The Board tabled a proposal to set a 2nd Closed Meeting date with the Association’s legal counsel.
Reserve Study Update – The Board unanimously passed a resolution authorizing Management to engage Reserve Advisors to conduct an updated Reserve Study for the Association for $10,900.
Construction Requests – The Board unanimously passed a resolution approving construction and remodeling plans for Units 709, 803 and 4906.
News and Social Media Committee Door Drop – The Board unanimously approved a resolution authorizing a door drop seeking more volunteers and writers to help with the website and Tower Talk newsletter.
Treasurer’s Report:
Dave Nicosia presented the monthly Treasurer’s Report, and the Board unanimously agreed to a new format for the report going forward, based on a Unit Owner’s request and suggested draft from Management:
Total Revenue = $442,434
Total Operating Expenses = $321,989
Net Income from Garage Operations = $21,994
Net Income = $142,439
Reserve Contribution = $113,108
Net Surplus/(Deficit) = $29,331
Total Reserve Expenses = $141,522
Operating Account Balance = $372,687.02
(Increase of $73,226.02 from May.)
Reserve Account Balance = $1,757,074.81
(Increase of $6,751.22 from May.)
Total Cash and Investments = $2,056,535.83
Management Report:
Tim Patricio delivered the Management Report; announced the retirement of the building plumber Frank Naughton; updated the Board on the Riser Project and Driveway/Plaza Project (specifically that weather permitting Phase 2 may get underway in the coming weeks); reminded owners that window washing begins on August 18th weather permitting; and reviewed key building activity from the month of June.
The Board and Management addressed questions and comments from unit owners at the meeting.