Originally we were aiming for November 1st, however as does happen in Chicago from time to time, a taste of winter is coming. So we need to drain the main cooling tower.
Cooling will not be available again until our team gets the annual maintenance program completed, and bring things back online, probably mid to late Spring.
After that time, they will begin annual maintenance efforts on our main chillers. Cooling will not be available again until they start things back up in Spring 2024.
When the exterior temperature is in the mid-50s, it is perhaps the most difficult condition for our team to navigate. If we have cooling running, it can damage the system, cause the chillers to surge (which can be destructive to our mechanicals) and even cause some fixtures to freeze. If we run heating, the hallways would get far too warm and may even cause units too become to warm.
Our team pays close attention to hallway temperatures during these phases. At present (as of the drafting of this notice) our team is gearing up to provide heat if needed. Most definitely cooling will not be coming on. However, the dilemma is that the hallways are reading 75 and 76. If we provide heat, they could go up in temperature by several degrees and overheat the building.
We realize some residents may be on the cool side, since it is a cloudy and rainy day. There is little solar energy to give us an assist. But please have patience. We have to operate the mechanicals in a responsible way. 100% of residents, will not be 100% comfortable, 100% of the time.
Read more in previous posts below, about how the system works and how we navigate the challenging conditions this time of year.
You can review the post below for more details on how the process of transitioning unfolds.
Here are some suggestions:
Contact our team anytime at parktowercondo-mgmt@habitat.com with any questions.
As always we will be providing heating and cooling dependent on conditions, and balancing any change over as best we can. In general our team is aiming to maintain hallway temperatures in the low 70s which tends to support unit temperatures in the 70s as well. Many variables influence this process.
Given the time of year, heating will be our priority, consistent with the Chicago Heating Ordinance. Typically we need to default to heating service and only switch to cooling if conditions are expected to result in discomfort. At times, this can be difficult to navigate, particularly when we have relatively cool outdoor temps but full sunlight during the day.
It’s not just a flip of a switch. The temperature of the water in the pipes has to properly modify depending on whether we are moving from heating to cooling or cooling to heating. This process can take 6 to 8 hours either way, otherwise we risk damaging pipes and mechanicals.
Typically we expect the need for heating with outdoor temps in the mid to low 50s or colder. AC is typically available when the sun is out and temps are around 60 degrees or higher. When the weather changes quickly, switchovers can be challenging. When it’s 40 degrees in the morning, and climbs into the 70s in the early afternoon, the transition will be slow, if it happens at all. Our staff also has to consider whether heating will be needed again that night, and the time it takes to switch back over to heat. We realize full sun during the day heats some units very quickly, but there will be times we may not switchover. We have no control over that.
Once winter weather truly sets in, and we start expecting freezing temps, the cooling tower will be drained and annual maintenance will get underway. After that, cooling will not be available until Spring.
There are other variables. We have sensors throughout the interior and exterior of the building, which help us analyze conditions. Also, feedback from residents can help trigger manual adjustments which may improve comfort. It will not be 100% comfortable for 100% of our residents, 100% of the time this time of year, but resident comments and observations can help us make adjustments and improve conditions as much as possible. Contact us at parktowercondo-mgmt@habitat.com, or call the office 773-769-3250.