As Of May 18, 2022
5455 Pool Passes and Guest Passes for 2022 are NOW available for purchase by residents of Park Tower Condo and 5445 North Sheridan, by emailing your request to: anthony.davis@fsresidentia l.com . The Passes need to be ordered online ahead of time for pickup at the pool lobby. Please note that only pool pass holders can purchase the guest passes.
Please see the attached Special Pool Covid Guidelines (SPCG). All pool pass purchasers and guests will need to complete a liability waiver, social distance, as directed by the CDC. Other details can be found in the SPCG. [We have not yet received a copy of this document.]pass holders can purchase the guest passes.
Your Pool Pass will be available for pack up from the pool attendant in the pool lobby starting on FRIDAY, May 27th.
Adult Pool Membership, $150
Child Pool Membership (ages 2-12) $50
Book of Ten Guest Passes $30
5445 and 5415 residents need to pay by check/money order made payable to: 5455 Edgewater Plaza Condo Association. They can be mailed to the Management Office, dropped at the 5455 front desk, or brought to the 5455 Management Office.
For additional information on Pool Passes and Guest Passes please contact the 5455 Management Office at anthony.davis @fsresidential.com or dial 773-769-2757 x 1.
Pool Hours Return: 6am to Midnight Remember that Quiet hours are 6-8am and 10pm to midnight.